2024’s Predictive Title is a number — (32)

As always between late August and the end of September each year I do a predictive title for the year ahead based on the incoming energies I feel as the year approaches and blends with the previous year’s energy in the final quarter.  This final quarter of the year is always a blend of energies of the year we’re finishing up and the incoming year, which is why the 4th quarter of any given year is usually quite a powerful time.  It’s no coincidence Halloween falls during this time either.

The above is the setup to this article, but that’s not what this article is about.  This article is about 2024 and as I do every year my predictive title for the year, and some thoughts on the incoming energies.  I’m not your astrologer and this is not about the astrology of the year, it’s about the core energy that the astrological alignments will be pulling on.  It’s my “impression” of the incoming energies as I said earlier.  I always remain neutral on things.  So keep in mind I’m simply offering a point of view.  Otherwise I wouldn’t have much to type here.

Some year’s have longer deeper titles than 2024 does.  I think of the year’s title like a movie or song title.  I used to do it every year for my friends and family.  Since I’ve been on YouTube beginning in 2021 I started sharing my predictive titles with all of you.  For example, 2019 was “Whiteboard dreams”, 2020 was “The Great Perhaps”, 2022 was “Unfinished business”, &  2023 was “Restoration”..  But 2024 is likely the most important and powerful of them all yet the title I’ve given it may seem dull by comparison to the others.

2024 is the year of “32“.   That’s right its title is “32”.  With a BUT attached.  Based on the freewill decisions the year’s alternate title could also be, “The end of 32“.  Both ring out in the energy.  Both are happening at the same time all at once.  I can’t escape the number 32 in fact.  When I put out to the universe that I wanted a title for 2024 back at the beginning of August, 32’s were everywhere almost immediately.  In fact I met 3 people in one day for example, all aged 32.  lol

So why 32?  Well in numerology 32 is an angel number.  Take it how it resonates but I think you’ll see the tie-in when I tell you that the number signifies progress and enlightenment, but also a strong message that we’re never alone.  It’s a number of your true self.  It’s a number that lacks selfishness, and teaches lessons about selfishness.  It’s a number that tells you to pay attention to the messages and impressions you’re receiving.  All of which have been themes in my readings all summer long as that energy has been building.  And frankly the incoming energy is filled with progress and enlightenment.  There’s great opportunity within the coming year.  There’s lots of signs and messages within the energy itself.  So I can understand why 32 popped right in for 2024’s title.

This is a big year after all.  It’s not just about the political stuff here in the USA and around the world.  Although the world will be watching the USA and has been for some time.  Though mostly shaking their heads in dismay admittedly.  But 2024 is filled with MANY important choices both global and personal, all of which resonate and ring out long into the future.   So it’s best as with any decision to make it from an informed and wise perspective.

There are also big choices about the environment that need to be made around the world in 2024, and I have faith that the right choices will be made if for no other reason than mother nature is a little pissed off at the moment.  Most of the time change happens when it’s forced to happen, or about to be too late.  That’s just human nature.  Trust me though 2024’s weather will make 2023’s look like passing showers and drizzle.

On a personal level you will throughout the year be making a lot of life changing decisions.  Many of you will move, or meet new loves, or change careers, and a few of you will rise to new heights within current careers or love relationships.  Others of you will fall flat on your face because you get caught up in your own self in 8 of swords energy.  Hey, it’s not all roses and rainbows, I’ve got be honest.  It all depends as always though on how much you’re paying attention to the surrounding energies.  Because in 2024 they’re going to filled with messages, and coincidences that are anything but.  2024 will be hands down the most powerful surrounding energies of the last decade.  Actually since 2008 according my own personal notes.

So yeah 2024 is a game-changing year that’s filled with decisions.  But the good news is on the “enlightenment” side of the “32” energy.  It’s crystal clear to me that all of the answers are “blowin’ in the wind” so to speak.  Meaning if you quiet your mind and trust your intuition you’ll know exactly what to do in any situation.

Remember this is “angel type” energy.  However as I’ve mentioned and tried to teach you all lately, BOTH energies “angel” and “devil type” are always present.  This is where freewill enters in.  We can always be victorious in angel energy, or we can just as easily snatch defeat from the open hands of victory.  So as I said, “32” is a fitting title, but so is “The end of 32”.  And both titles are blowin’ in the wind at the same time throughout 2024.  While this is always the case, the energy itself isn’t always this powerful.  And the choices that must be made within it aren’t always as far reaching.

2024 is a whole lotta “Schrodinger’s cat”.  And that’s why it has TWO titles.

But let’s be honest, society isn’t going through much of a spiritual growth.  “Greed” and “selfish desire” still win the day, especially with the people in power.  We’re still a society that will fall for a slogan rather substance.  We live in what I call a “Wag the dog” society.  Go watch the old movie “Wag the dog” and you’ll know what I mean.

As always it’s up to all of us.  We need to not shut out the energies around us which are always talking to us.  We need to be our own best friends and do our own research in 2024.  We need to stop looking out, and start looking in.  More than ever I might add.  We need to get off the fucking internet, out of our smartphones, and back into schools and books.

The singer “Seal” believed that we were never going to survive unless we got a little crazy.  He’s wrong.  I think 2024 will show all of us all that we’re actually never going to survive unless we get a whole lot fucking smarter.

As a final thought here..  It doesn’t really matter in the end I suppose.  2024 and the year of “32” is a year that has the potential to see us grow and prosper in leaps and bounds.  Again the energy of it all is about “progress” and “enlightenment” at its core.  But I’d like suggest that either way, whether the title ends up being “32” or “The end of 32” we will all still learn something in 2024.  Be it about life, ourselves, society, or humanity.  Whether it’s a good, sweet, kind lesson, or a harsh lesson due to poor choices, it’ll still be a “lesson”.

And a lesson in any form good or bad always allows for “progress”.  And to be honest, most real “progress” usually comes from the toughest lessons anyway.
