I know who you are, (do you?)

I know who you are, (do you?)” is actually a powerful philosophical question to ask yourself which few know about actually.  It’s actually your 3D self interrogating your 5D self.  So here you go, some magic words for you from yours truly.  I wanted to clear that up because some might be confused and think that this article’s title is a statement made by me towards you.  I mean let’s face it if it was me making that statement the title would be a bit unfair on some level, almost a tease.  I mean after-all I can see through other people effortlessly, I eat pretense and lies for lunch with my deep empathy curse as I often call it.  But I’ve on many occasions throughout my adult life helped friends, family members and even a few of you in recent months find the missing puzzle piece of who you really are.  But I believe as do many others that a good teacher never just gives the student the answer.  A good teacher helps the student discover the answer for themselves, as it’s only in that thought process of discovery where true and lasting wisdom and comprehension lives.

This article’s title is a powerful statement of self.  It’s an important question to ask one’s self (exactly as I phrased it in the title) because if done properly it triggers the subconscious to reveal the truth.  And “truth” is priceless because truth is something most of us hide from ourselves quite well, and in doing so we bring about within ourselves much of the depression, anxiety, and crippling fear so many suffer from.  The statement and question used in this article’s title needs to be put to use in a dis-associative state.  Mind you, NOT a hypnotic state, there is a huge difference!!  Although similar to hypnosis the more intelligent someone is the easier it is to reach this state.  But as with hypnosis that intelligence is a double-edged sword because intelligent people tend to question everything, and that very act of questioning can remove one from the very state they so easily went into.  I know it’s a bit of a paradox there but it’s worth noting.

What I mean by dis-associative state in this case is the technique involved is one of separating yourself from yourself and in effect have “yourself” make the article’s title statement to “yourself”.  Philosophers view this method as “thinking, and then thinking about yourself thinking“, and it’s a mind-blowing technique used by scientists, mathematicians, doctors, and really anyone who needs to work out complex problems, but philosophers have been using this thought technique forever and a day.  This thought process technique can require a high IQ as I mentioned but high is a relative term, I believe anyone smarter than a monkey should be okay for it, but others especially in the psych community would disagree with me and claim a 130-140 IQ would be the low-end for this technique.  I would and will for the record respectfully beg to differ.  This is because there’s no hocus-pocus or magic here, it’s actual real science.  This dis-associative state however can only be reached in pure quiet with a clear mind free of the day to day clutter we all deal with.  You must think about nothing, and be doing nothing,  If you’re doing it right you will actually separate from yourself, might freak you out at first.  It’s often referred to as “The law of pure potentiality“.  Similar to astral projection done through meditation it’s actually far easier to attain than that.  It however does require a great deal of what I call intelligent mind control to pull-off in that you must quiet the mind, i.e. be doing nothing and thinking nothing, just a moment of nothingness.  But if you can, the answers flow in, and they can be quiet liberating, and enlightening.  Usually when someone first hits this state and separates from themselves they freak out and snap out of it.  You may hear voices.  Basically you’re living as me for a moment in a way because you’re in tune with the 5D.  But as any philosopher, mathematician, or scientist will tell you and as the law in play here states, the answers to everything all live in the silence.

Mastering this technique which is really as simple as I’ve described it here will save you thousands on therapists who most of time are of little help with personal journeys of self or spirituality as they are journeys and discoveries we must make on our own.  I like to say it’s a little like for a moment you are your own imaginary friend.  lol

So if you get a chance and want to take a whack at it.  Quiet your mind in a dark place or a lit place or where ever and allow yourself to separate from itself, and in that quiet moment have your 3D self say to your 5D self, “I know who you are, do you?.  Trust me, it may sound silly but there’s something about that “exact” phrasing that triggers the subconscious mind.  You won’t find this exact phrasing written anywhere else by anyone else that I know of.  That’s because it’s not common knowledge.  It’s a trick of sorts yes, but though there’s no magic at play here, they are in essence “magic words”, and powerful ones at that which if you’re in the right state will trigger some mind-blowing answers.  It’ll take some practice I’m sure.

If this is confusing and the question itself seems backward to you as it does to many, let me simplify.  Try to think of it like the police.  The police if they interrogate you rarely if ever ask a question they don’t already know the answer to.  Usually they just need confirmation or want to catch you in a lie.  So in our metaphor here your 3D self is the police.  And it’s asking a question that it already knows the answer to yet cannot process or is blocked to.  It already knows the 5D self knows who you really are.  So in effect your 3D self is interrogating your 5D self and asking it a question it already knows the answer to but is in denial of.  Meaning, the 3D self knows the 5D self knows the answer, but there has to be a connect between the 3D and the 5D self for the answer to be realized and actualized by the 3D self.

So be prepared, because you will get an answer.  By the way, the answer to the “do you?” portion is always “yes”.  Because our 5D self does know who we are, we just spend a ton of energy in the 3D hiding it from ourselves and others is all…. And that hiding, self-deception, self-doubt, doubt in general, and fear all lead to a blockage between the 3D and the 5D.  Which in-turn leads to a denial of true-self.  And this is where much of that anxiety and depression so many suffer from in our society stems from.  At the end of the day it’s just our brain (ego) doing its job protecting us.  But that’s just an excuse.  Which is why we have to shut that security guard in our head down to get any real truth.

— Cheers