The late show

Everyone I’ve ever known has wished me well
Anyway, that’s how it seems, it’s hard to tell
Maybe people only ask you how you’re doing
‘Cause that’s easier than letting on how little they could care
But when you know that you’ve got a real friend somewhere
Suddenly all the others are so much easier to bear

Now, to see things clear it’s hard enough, I know
While you’re waiting for reality to show
Without dreamin’ of the perfect love
And holding it so far above
If you stumbled onto someone real, you’d never know

Now I’m sitting here wondering what to say
Afraid that all these words might scare you away
No one ever talks about their feelings anyway
Without dressing them in dreams and laughter
I guess it’s just too painful otherwise

The words above are words I’ve said before in various forms.  They’re in many ways a summary of all that I read in many of the DMs I pull on in the readings.  But few, unless they’re lateral thinkers understand their true meaning.  I meet new people all the time.  People seem to be drawn to me like magnets, they always have been.  I think and yeah I know it’s crazy, but I think the universe actually sends these people to me.  I hold some key that can help them, but they often hold a key that helps me.  Which is no surprise because energy requires reciprocation to flow.  Usually the people I help show me something or remind me of something, sometimes something I’ve long forgotten.  Often times they’re very open and wonderful people, but sometimes I catch a glimpse of something hidden within them.  They’re closed off to their emotions to a point.  They spend their lives in a very logical state, sharing very little of themselves with others, even close friends or spouses.

The words above that began this article are take from a Jackson Browne song called “The late show“.  They talk about a trait in some people to mask their feelings.  This is usually in an effort to control them.  It seems the moment they begin to feel something “real”, they turn and hide, usually distracting themselves with other things, i.e. work, hobbies, etc.  Keeping this in mind I urge you to read this article’s opening words in italic above again, until you understand what Jackson is trying to say.  Because this behavior, often set in by either childhood via a controlling parent or family dynamic, or through the bad relationships and hurts that garner most of us in our 20’s and beyond is dangerous.  It creates a volcano effect.  We can only suppress feelings for so long, be they negative or positive.  Eventually the pressure builds and the resulting eruption ether exhibits as explosive outbursts, depression, alcoholism, or anxiety-like behavior, or worse all of the above.

My favorite line from above is the fear of words with true emotion scaring the other person away.  This is often the case with me in my own life.  I scare the CRAP out of emotionally closed-off people.  I’m a very emotionally balanced person.  I know what I feel and I allow myself to both feel it and express it.  If I say I want to “bang you”, I actually truly do and truly would.  LOL.   I’m very open in all of my relationships be it a friend or a romantic connection.  I’m seen as an emotional threat of sorts to the emotionally shut-down of the world who pass off emotions with jokes or emojis online etc.  People like me see through their mask and illusions, the truth is before the emoji. lol  People like me and some of you even, rattle emotionally closed-off people to the core and throw them out of balance because they’re trying so hard to look away, yet can’t.  Oh they focus on work or something else, but then there’s this “different” person who shows up and makes them think, more-over makes them feel.  The keyword there is “different”.  I and others like me are different from anyone else they’ve encountered before.  Why wouldn’t we be?  If they’re closed-off and put out a pretense it’s likely their friends and family do as well.  Like energy attracts like energy, we attract people like us.

These people who suppress emotions and offer others little in the way of closeness and truth surround themselves with others like them, it’s only logical because it’s “safe” for them to live this way in that environment.  But this is harmful because they never learn anything new.  They likely have no idea for example what real “love” actually feels like or IS like.  They often think relationships are hard work, and contain bickering and fights, because it’s all they’ve known.  So they shut-down even more.  They sit in relationships in quiet disdain for the other under the surface.  When in reality relationships are built on honesty, openness, deep love, and what I call a “quiet respect under the surface, NOT disdain.   So along comes someone like me or you and we scare the the crap out of them!!!  It’s human nature to reject the different.  But I argue this is a mistake.  And a grave one at that.

If this is resonating with you I urge you to not get angry at me for triggering something, for making you think, for opening your eyes.  It’s likely for most of you I’m describing your DM, i.e. “the runner”.  But in the end usually people thank me, but some just don’t want to look at these things.  However, I encourage you to smarten-up, allow yourself to feel, allow new and different people and situations from what you’re used to into your life.  That’s how we grow, that’s how wisdom grows within us.  Good or bad it’s all a learning experience, and that’s what life is, that’s why our energy is here in these vessels in this 3D world of ours.  I also urge you to think long-term.  One day very soon you’re going to be old and gray.  Who will you be, and how will that person feel about how they lived their life, and who they lived it with?  Time moves faster as we age as I’ve said in other articles and on video a few times.  That being said you’ll be that little old lady or man in the blink of an eye.  Will that person be filled with regrets, or filled with wisdom and joy at the life they’ve lived?   I don’t know, that’s up to you I suppose.

Real love, real relationships are actually quite easy.  The universal rule is if it’s a struggle, it’s not meant to be.  Things meant for us come easy.  They fall in our lap.  This is true to a point and I’ve covered that in another article.  But if you’re too emotionally shut-down when these “easy” things arrive you’ll miss them.  You’ll dismiss them as risky because they’re too different for what you’re used to.  But I ask, “how’s what you’re used to been working for you?”  Are you truly happy?  If so, great!  Unless that’s a lie you’re telling yourself and me.  Perhaps, that’s your sign and perhaps that’s why something “different” was sent to you.  The universe sends us people and situations when it’s time for us to grow.  Usually the important things come at inopportune times or under odd circumstances.  This is why I always say when you meet someone under odd circumstances pay attention.  In my life people I’ve met in this random manor have ALL gone on to become very important in my life, often teaching me things and making me see things I never would have considered without having met them.  Had I cast them off, I would have missed out on all of it.  Random or odd encounters with others are indeed the “falling in your lap” factor.  It wasn’t planned, you didn’t call for it, it or they just showed up one day by accident.  Don’t ignore such happenings!!!  That’s the stuff of great stories, and of true lasting friendships.  And in my experience it’s what great loves are made of too.

Speaking for myself, I know my worth.  I know what I bring to the table in every situation.  What I bring often scares a few away as I’ve said.  Those few that are trying to “control” their emotions, or too shy to express them due to low self-worth.  Fear…. it holds us back, fear of rejection being the most common form of it in our lives.

So I ask, and you should ask yourself,, “what do you bring to the table”?  Are you worth someone’s time and effort?  Or are you stoic, and full of plastic smiles about how great you’re doing?  Are your relationships “real”, or are they based on a desire for security or some sort of money, or worse yet, to “keep the peace”?  Are you open and honest with people?  Or are you closed-off, casting off anything or anyone different who might see through your mask and control mechanisms?  These are good questions to ask one’s self.  But ironically answering them requires openness and honesty.  And the number 1 person we lie to,,,,,, is sadly….. ourselves..

In closing, my advice….. do the work!!  Work on yourself.  Look at the issues.  Look at your pain.  Find its source and deal with it.  Don’t just cover it up with platitudes and affirmations in the mirror.  That’s bollocks and it’s a band-aid on a cancer.  No…….. REAL inner-work requires intelligence, and lateral thinking.  But more importantly, it requires an honest assessment of who we are.  And more-over, maybe the most important of all, why we are who we’ve been, and why we might want to improve that.
