The Warlock of Oz

Most who watch my readings are into and believe in the energy around us.  They believe in things we cannot see but we can feel.  They believe in the spirit realm and the astral plane.  They also believe in the occult, i.e. tarot for example.  They believe in manifesting, and karma, and even the Chakra system.  But most don’t know where all this stems from.  What is it?  Is it a religion?  Or a belief system?

When I was a child just figuring out all this energy I was feeling around me, one of my first lessons that set me on the right path came when I read the original “Wizard of Oz”.  It’s arguably one of the most important books ever written even though it’s a children’s book.  It truly changed the world actually.  The Wizard of Oz, originally titled, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is a book that’s responsible for a lot of what I figured out in my early years about energy, and the flow of it.  Truth is it’s probably responsible for what most “real” energy readers first figured out.  I’ve never actually me one who didn’t read the book.  Which I find odd, and rather telling.  And we’ll talk about that in a moment.

But first… what is this belief system of ours?  Where does it stem from.  Well The Wizard of Oz was written by a man named L. Frank Baum.  He became quite spiritual by his 30’s.  Traditional religion didn’t seem to make sense to him, as is the case for many of my viewers.  While it makes sense to me, I’ve studied it extensively, I agree with Mr. Baum that it’s often written for the purpose of control rather than growth of any kind.  Traditional religion seems to favor keeping one down or in suffering of some kind.  So I not unlike Mr. Baum and many of you, used it as a foundation, but wanting more we dug a little deeper into the universe.

What I teach on YouTube is my point of view, my spirituality.  The world as I see it, and energy as I understand it.  It all began for me at around age 5 with “The Wizard of Oz”.  As I studied L. Frank Baum I learned that he studied something called “Theosophy”.  And rest for me is history…   “Theosophy’s” principles are pretty much the foundation of what I cover on my videos and here in this blog.

“Theosophy” is best described a blend of Buddhism, Hinduism, and western science.  That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.

I was intrigued as a child with Frank’s “Wizard of Oz” book.  Most kids only knew the movie, and even the ones who had read it never saw the depth within it that I did.  It’s subtle.  For instance Dorothy was strong and outspoken.  That was rare for a female in a fairytale.  Usually they needed a prince to save them.  lol..  That’s a lesson in Empress energy, and just how powerful and important it is.  Another great example is in both the book and the movie the Tin Woodsman wants a heart.  His reason for this in the book in particular is right in line with what I teach on YouTube.  He wants the heart because (and I’m paraphrasing), you get the cups (the heart, the soul) you get everything.  In the movie he wants the heart for the more superficial reason of “wanting to love again.”  But that’s Hollywood for ya.. lol

The lessons in the book are vast.  Frank Baum offers some of the most subtle energy lessons I’ve every seen.  He teaches us that everything comes from us.  Meaning, the Lion always had the courage within him.  The Tin man always had the capacity to love, and the scarecrow was actually pretty smart already.

So what of this book?  Most of you probably don’t know it was a book I’m sure.  “The Wizard of Oz” was first published in 1900.  It actually is underrated by most people as that silly movie that’s on TV every year.  In actuality it’s a book that changed the world.

Up until the book came out children’s books were educational.  Or they were frightening fairytales with control based or life based lessons built into them.  The Wizard of Oz opened a portal of sorts.  The book is ALIVE with energy.  Trust me, it is!!  It was some powerful magic.  It opened the then dormant imaginations of the children.  It allowed them to daydream.  To dream of far away lands and adventures.  It came out at the perfect time.  The 20th century saw the beginnings of the middle class.  Children didn’t have to work for the first time.  They could just be kids, and have fun, and explore, and dream.  “The Wizard of Oz” heralded in this era.  An era that most of us take for granted by the way as we were all born into it.  I don’t know about you, but I didn’t have a factory job or mining job at age 6.   LOL..

The examples are endless.  And all of these lessons I and I’m sure many other children like me spotted.  But even the kids that didn’t spot the lessons, the regular kids, the dumb kids even, still got their minds expanded and their imagination muscles stretched for the very first time..

Why is all this important?  Because “The Wizard of Oz” is a very subtle lesson from L. Frank Baum in “Theosophy”.  It’s a lesson in energy..  I believe a very intentional one on his part.  It’s what I would have done if I were him and my calling was to open the imaginative energies of children.

The book is a lesson in yin and yang, a lesson in surface energy vs. deep energy.  Follow the Yellow Brick Road is Frank’s way of teaching us to go with the flow of energy.  It teaches us that the path is already laid out.  We can choose to go down it or not.  We can choose wrong paths or right paths. That was the first thing I figured out in fact.  I remember being 5 or 6 years old and thinking, “yeah, that makes sense, nobody seems to do that..”..  lol

Another great example is the good witch and the bad witch.  You all know that as “angel energy” and “devil energy” thanks to me, but I learned it at age 5 from Frank Baum and Oz.  You’ll also notice that in both the book and the movie water kills the wicked witch of the west.  And what do I always teach you about angel and devil energies?  I think I’ve probably said many times that angel-type energy shorts out or cancels out devil-type energy.  Why did he use water?  Well… angel-type energy can be both positive or neutral.  Devil-type energy is always negative.  Water is neutral, thus it’s angel energy, and that’s also why there’s water on the Temperance card, which is the card of the angel.

I strongly suspect that L. Frank Baum was a powerful energy reader.   Most keep quiet about being one.  I usually do in fact.  The YouTube channel and this blog are way out of character for me.  But I’m here because it was time, it’s part of my journey.  It’s part of my deal with the universe so to speak.  Frank Baum fits the energy reader bill perfectly.   I think this is because of what he wrote and specifically how he wrote it, along with the huge seemingly destined, almost hand of fate helped success of “The Wizard of Oz”, which gave Frank Baum his first BIG success and payday.  It even surprised him by the way.  Most of his life he had very little in the way of cash shall we say.

All energy (real deal) readers, especially powerful ones have a task in each lifetime.  I believe his was two-fold.  I believe it was to awaken the imaginations and manifesting abilities of a new generation.  And I also believe he knew others “like me” (like-him) would read the book and it would serve as early education for us to help build a foundation for our own energy abilities.  And it did just that for me…

When people ask me what book helped me most growing up.  I always tell them “The Wizard of Oz”.  Usually they look at me funny.  Confused, they don’t understand what I mean, and often chuckle, as if expecting me to say, “just kidding”… .  But it’s a fact.  I will go to my grave believing with all my soul that “The Wizard of Oz” was written with magic ink of sorts..  Proof of its magic is in its enduring nature.  “The Wizard of Oz” has ingrained itself in our culture.  Its wormed its way and woven itself into the web of energy we all exist in.  It was written not just as a children’s book, but as a guide for 5 year old budding young energy readers.  It’s the very first energy instruction book for kids, & everyone for that matter.  It explains it all.  It explains how energy works quite literally on a 1st grade level.  And if you’re an energy reader this is easy to spot.  The words come off the pages.  And I think that’s amazing, and I also think it’s something that was worth me sharing here in this blog of mine.  Because maybe it helps some kid someday..  Or one of you.. Who knows.  But I do recommend the book over the movie.  While the movie is good, the book, i.e. Frank’s written word is where the real magic lives.

On a sad note, I think the morals and themes of the story have been lost in our society today.  Too many people are looking for outside validation.  And as Frank Baum taught me and all of us, that’s against the flow of energy.  That’s NOT following the Yellow brick road.

So in a big way you can thank L. Frank Baum for Steve’s Love Tarot.  I thank him almost every day.

But I also wrote this article so that you maybe take a second look at “The Wizard of Oz”, and again I strongly suggest the original book.   Not to sound corny, but the book was written with some pretty powerful energy.  If you allow that to flow through you, and have a little faith in it, you’ll be surprised what it can teach you, or more importantly, what it can simply show you about yourself.  It offers powerful perspective.  And perspective as I once wrote here in this blog is priceless.

Maybe most importantly of all.  I also wrote this so you’ll know what it is you’re learning from me.  Because I don’t think many of you know.  Hell I don’t even think most of the tarot readers you all cheat on me with out there on the YouTube even know what they’re teaching and preaching.  So for the record it’s called. “Theosophy“… And it’s technically a blend of Buddhism, Hinduism, and western science.   Eastern science can also be incorporated.  That adds a medicinal and herbal element to it all as well.  Which is also mentioned by Frank Baum in “The Wizard of Oz” by the way.  I myself have adapted it by adding my knowledge of modern psychology and ancient philosophy, as well as my own life experience, and of course my home-spun analogies and metaphors.  Many these days including myself also incorporate elements of astrology and tarot.  The occult side of it all has always been a part of “Theosophy”.  In “The Wizard of Oz” it’s best represented by the Wicked Witch’s crystal ball.

In closing I’ll mention the wizard..  We can’t leave him out right??!!  Dorothy called the wizard a bad man.  The wizard responds by saying, “I’m not a bad man, I’m just a bad wizard.”..  This quote is why I sometimes say on my videos, “I’m not the warlock on the hill“.  I always picture this scene from The Wizard of Oz in my mind’s eye when I say that to you.  Because I see it as a very important lesson.  One that in my case should never be forgotten.

Why???  Because the final lesson to energy readers in particular from Frank Baum in “The Wizard of Oz” is to never mislead anyone.  Never take advantage and create illusions to become some sort of cult leader or mythical omnipotent being.  Because once someone puts you on a pedestal you can’t be of any help to them.  We only need look at cult leaders and the damage they cause to see proof of this.  And Frank knew as he portrayed with the wizard that any powerful energy reader can easily become a cult leader type figure in people’s eyes.  Creating illusions is child’s play for someone who can manipulate energy.  And he knew the temptation to take advantage is always there.

As Frank shows us the help we seek is always there inside each of us.  Just like the lion, scarecrow, and tin man already had what they were looking for.  So when it comes to being of help… Be it people like me, a therapist, or the great all mighty Wizard of Oz.  We can only pull what’s already there and buried deep up to the surface.  The help or the answer is always already within the person seeking the help or answer.

And this concept always makes me rather jokingly wonder if L. Frank Baum knew about Hologram theory 100 years before science did…  LOL..  He probably did..
