Bad vibrations

Most of what I’ll write in this blog and for that matter most of what I’ve written over the years is all under the umbrella of “the things I know to be true“.  Emphasis on the word “I”.  I’m a very unique person, you’ve never met another me and you never will statistically speaking anyway.  To be honest in my real life I only fit in with other people because I disconnect on some level when I’m around them and I use sarcasm and my “perceived wit” to lighten energies around me.  People think I’m funny.  But I’m actually funny because I have to be.  I’m the living embodiment of “funny or die”. LOL  My point in this opening paragraph is that some of what I’ll write about here in this blog will fly in the face of what others are teaching.  Those others and I’ve seen all the big players and many of the mid-tier as well while I’m sure are very smart, but they’re not “like me”.  Most of them have no special abilities that I have been able to read or pick up on.  In some cases they’re just kooks, almost cult leaders who have figured out a way to package psychology or basic philosophy to the masses.  Usually by using media to gain them instant credibility.  A Dateline or 20/20 special can earn them 10’s of millions of dollars/pounds/euro/and yen overnight.  Many of the big players out there have a huge marketing machine and team behind them, utilizing YouTube ads and banner ads etc. to attract a massive following very quickly and again a following that “assumes” credibility because of the marketing and press around the person.  So many people like them, they must be good…. How many times has the world been duped by that little piece of nonsense.  Being from a PR background I know it’s usually all bull shit… LOL  Usually embellished if not flat out made-up!

I by contrast have none of that.  My marketing budget is $0.00, never spent a dime on it in fact.  I rely on the law of attraction….sorta..  I attract my following by what I call “energetic marketing”.  I do this “energetic marketing” to ensure that the people who follow me feel they should be here, and were not “convinced” they should be here via herd mentality and marketing/media hype.  Any PR agency knows that when people see an ad and read press around someone, that person gains instant credibility.  Also those news specials are often purchased by the way.  LOL  So even those are nonsense.  It’s like a celebrity plug.  Sadly I know many of them too.  And as for celebrity plugs I wouldn’t take a recommendation for a Pop-Tart flavor from most the ones I know let alone anything more important like self-help.  Sad to say but we put the wrong people on pedestals in this world today for the wrong reasons.  Reasons given to us under the smoke of millions of marketing dollars or a billion dollar studio.

I by contrast have to earn respect and credibility, or I lose people.  I tell you that so you respect my approach a little bit more and maybe understand its value to you.  I also say it so that you know when I trigger you or say something that flies in the face of what BIG FAMOUS so and so said that it’s just me doing what I do and saying what I know to be true through about 40 years of research,  45 years of being me and seeing what I see, and intense study of these what I consider rather odd and almost impossible abilities I have.  Abilities by the way I don’t even want and didn’t ask for!!  And would have when I was much younger gladly have given away if I could have.  But I do see their value here in my middle years.

The above said… much of what I’ll tell you here in this blog from time to time will be confusing.  Not because any of you are stupid, quite the contrary in fact, it’s because it’s not conventional, hell I’m not even conventional as a person.  My only credibility (as far as you all know anyway) is my YouTube channel and its fast growth.  No marketing machine, no Dateline special, no ads popping up about me.  None of it!!  With simply a talking hand on a video I had my first 12K subscribers within 4 weeks.  Nobody was more blown away by that than ME!!  Which is why I say on all my videos “if you found Steve’s Love Tarot you found it for a reason.“.  So I urge you, no,,, I beg of you…. please take what resonates and apply it as it benefits you and discard anything that doesn’t.  These are MY studies that I’m sharing with you.  It’s my own PERSONAL journey.  It’s not open for debate, it’s just here for you, you can see it, so take it for what it’s worth to you.  You might think it’s crazy, fine…  But at least it’s honest, and you found it and me organically..  Which is how nature intended..  And if any of it works for you and helps you, the honor is all mine.  In an effort to be honest however…. I will trigger people in this blog.  Oh I will and like a motherfucker too…  I can say things here I can’t say on YouTube.  LOL  BUT if you’re willing to listen and that’s all I ask, and take what resonates..  You might just learn a trick or two to add to your current bag of tricks..

The truth is even if I was offered a Dateline or 20/20 special segment I would likely turn it down.  The reason being the big players rely on the masses.  And the masses as any PR or ad agency will tell you live and die by boiled down psychology and philosophical texts regurgitated into easy to understand life-hacks and proverbs.  I do none of that.  My message is only receptive those with the “potential” for or who are already at at high vibration.  Most of the collective is not.  We’re getting dumber as a society not smarter.  The collective vibration is lower than it has ever been in human history right now.  Even in the 3D the average IQ in the USA has dropped to below 100 for the first time EVER!.  MENSA is not allowing people with a 135 IQ in.  It used to be a 150 minimum.  Hawking one of our greatest minds warned of technology being the issue with this.  He’s right it is.  In our 1-touch society we’re becoming redundant and useless in some cases.  I for example have an older car, it’s nearly impossible to find a shop to work on it.  Working on engines without a computer to diagnose it is becoming a lost art.  But beyond that our “technology” is rendering wisdom a lost art.  Why learn anything when you can just Google it.  I’ll write a separate article on this topic, for now onto THIS article…

But I must note this preamble to the article itself was necessary so that if for no other reason you understand WHY I might have an impact on you.  So that you understand that you’re here reading me and watching me and resonating on at least SOME level with me NOT because an or Dateline special seeded your mind with assumptions of credibility.  Nor are you here because an ad or crowd mentality told you to and pre-made up your mind for you with clever subliminal messaging.  NO you’re here because you made up your OWN mind.  You watched me, and you said,,, “who is this?”  And you kept listening and hopefully learned a little.  If not, hopefully you got a laugh.  If you don’t understand what I mean by this paragraph perhaps me and my channel are NOT for you.  Because it’s a powerful statement, and one I’m quite proud of.

So why is this article called “Bad vibrations”?  Well…. because I hear this phrase a lot from some of you and from YouTubers galore.  “Raise your vibration“.  It seems to be everybody’s message on some level.  You’ve all heard it, but the explanations given around this phrase do nothing from what I’ve heard to explain it.  In fact most have you raising the wrong energy, energy that actually cannot be altered which is why most of you hadn’t raised yours much by the time you found ME.  LOL  And yes I did laugh because it’s kinda funny.  Others seem to have you changing a tire when you’re simply out of gas.  So I will try to explain what I see and feel when I read a person, and yes I’ll Big Bird it up a bit to help make it less whiteboard science.  I have to do this otherwise this would be a 10 page article.  I also have to consider that it’s for a general audience.  The fact is you have to know how something works before you start futzing with it.  But there are a couple things in life you just can’t fix no matter how hard you try.  You can’t fix stupid, and you can’t fix what you don’t understand.  I’m gonna try to solve the second one for you here.  Emphasis on the word “try”…  It may not sound like it, but I’m actually pleading with you a bit to do it.  So read slowly and carefully, please.

We have many energies that make us up, that run us if you will, so what vibration are we raising??  Just like we have many organs, saying “raise your vibration” is like someone saying “raise your organs”!!  ????  Okay??!!  Which one?  And what the fuck does that even mean???  lol  That’s actually how I react when I hear this phrase.  Many touting this phrase seem to assume it’s the soul energy.  Well yes and no.  It is yes, but the soul has many energies that make it up, it’s not actually just 1 energy called “the soul”.  And it actually has nothing at all to do with the chakra system.  The chakra system is a bi-product that gets opened up AFTER you raise your vibration.  It’s not a pre-requisite actually.  Let’s talk about the 2 MAIN soul energies just to keep things simple & clear.  I’m never one to over-complicate.  I’m not here to impress anyone, or even get rich.  I’m here to actually help.  And much to my chagrin the job was handed to me and a few others by a fickle old gal that I call “Jane”.  Yup, that’s my name for the universe.  Which I don’t use on the videos by the way… LOL

……(TIME FOR SCIENCE!!)  dunt dunt dunt dun!!

Let’s start from the beginning, my beginning I mean.  When I was very young I could only read energy by color.  I figure it was the infancy of what ever the fuck I am and can do.  Sort of an early stage if you will.  My mother actually took me to the doctor for it once, and I think I talked about that on a video some time ago.  What I mean is I would see the energy, everything was color as though I was looking at the world through rainbow glasses.  Many energy readers on my level have this same story.  One thing I figured out when I was very young was that even if two people seemed to emit with the same color they were very different as people.  I noticed that also within a person there were many layers to their given color.  Meaning if I saw someone as Green for example they were not just green, they were a mix of aqua, emerald, Kelly, and many other shades of green with one core usually neutral shade at the center of it all.  To be clear I was not seeing auras.  I want to head that off now for the aura people.  I was seeing “frequency” of energy reflecting to a 4 and 5 year old me as color.  Color is energy.  Everything is energy.  In later years as my ability to read energy evolved I began to understand a bit more and feel it rather than see it.  Though to this day I can do both, including taste it.  Which is my favorite actually.

We are all energetic beings, let’s get on the same page with that at least.  Many spiritual people deal with Chakras.  Not me… although I am the proud discoverer and inventor of the “Dick Chakra”…  Dick Chakra aside I’m a very UNIQUE energy reader and I see the world differently.  I see people differently, in fact differently than almost any other energy reader on the planet.  And I’ve been told this by some of the best and no less than 3 shamans.  In my case I deal with “frequencies” specifically.  I’ve never seen a chakra so I can’t dispute the charts, and I know better than to argue with the spiritual crowd.. LOL..  But I know there are well over 200 energy sources in the human body that I’ve tracked so far.  262 to be exact according to my notes.  Each one with its own job around and within us, some attract, and some detract or protect but all are important and must be in balance.  This is why so many never find inner-peace.  They’re only balancing 7 chakras.  LOL  That’s a joke okay, a fucking joke.  That’s like fixing 1 tire when all 4 are flat.  And that’s a fact, and I’m sure there are many more energies that I haven’t found yet!  My guess is thousands.  Me… well… I’m basically a radio, in my case a 2-way radio because I can give my energy as well.  But that’s a topic for another day.

As people we operate at many different frequencies, each with its own job as I said earlier.  However we all operate at an unalterable core frequency.  That frequency comes from the soul energy and deep within it at that, and in fact it’s the energy the soul lives in.  It’s important because it’s the energy that keeps us here in the 3D in the universe we live in.  It cannot be raised or lowered it’s our core frequency.  That “core frequency” determines which universe we live in.  All of us here in this universe operate at the same core frequency, it’s why we can see and hear each other.  If you don’t understand that, think about it…  We live in a universe.  There are multiple universes each on a different core frequency.  Like radio stations we can only hear the station we’re on.  That’s the core frequency.  We all have it in common or we wouldn’t see or hear one another.  We wouldn’t be here.  lol  In radio-speak….we’re all on the same station.  Fact is there are many different intelligent beings here among us.  What the UFO people call “aliens”.  These are actually inter-dimensional beings.  No one knows for sure even science (which they write about internally never publicly by the way). But they seem to have either the ability evolved within them to alter their core frequency and switch universes, or have a machine or device that does it for them.  In either case these beings are special and WE as humans DO NOT have the ability to alter our core frequency.  Not yet anyway.. LOL  Who knows right, could be an app on your smartphone one day.  lol

So how to we “raise our vibration” and what are we raising when we do?  I’m glad you asked…  The energy that changes that we can alter and grow is actually around that core energy (frequency), it surrounds it like a shield of sorts as I see it and feel it.  I call it our “operating frequency”.  Think of it as the operating system on your phone or computer.  And think of the “core frequency” as all the hardware, i.e. the computer itself.  It’s a simplistic and not 100% accurate analogy but at least it’s easy to follow and it’s close enough for rock and roll.  This “operating frequency” is where your soul connects with soulmates for example.  It’s also where your intuition lives and all of the wisdom data from your past life.  This is the energy we can alter and raise, or sadly lower the frequency of.  Which is why we cross paths with soulmates throughout our life as coincidence would have it.  The universe uses them as a tool.  The universe doesn’t care if we bang or not.  LOL  The fickle old gal just wants her balanced energy and her energy gain.  Balanced energy is karmic debt being paid, i.e. lessons learned usually resulting in happiness.  Energy gain is wisdom to put it simply.  Or as I like to call it “data”.  As we learn we gain more energy, we raise our (personal) vibration with everything we learn.  Even you reading this blog article right now are raising your vibration.  Unless of course you’ve been triggered, in which case your vibration is either stable or is briefly lowered depending on the number of swears you’re throwing at your screen towards me… lol

But nothing here I’ve said so far is illogical.  In fact the vast majority of it is based in REAL science.  Science is well aware of core frequency and those aliens we all hear about.  In fact it’s aware of many things it only writes about internally.  They fear public panic.  And they should.  Because the truth can only be comprehended by high vibrational people.  And most of the collective right now is anything but sadly.  Hence why I myself would be a big flop on a Dateline special as I said earlier.  LOL

So how do you raise your vibration now that you know what you’re raising?  The whole point of your TF journey wasn’t so you could bang your person.  Nor was it so they could insult you and run and lower your self-worth.  Your self-worth was already low when they arrived otherwise the universe wouldn’t have had you cross paths in the first place.  When they ran it made things worse, yes but usually as is the case with most of you that runner triggered a spiritual journey.  And that’s priceless.  My job in part is to make sure you don’t wast it.  The TF journey as a whole was to elevate you to a higher level.  Like energy attracts like energy.  The point of the TF journey was to acquire wisdom (data) and grow to another level.  By doing this you repay karmic debt in part, but you also because we’re all connected raise the vibration even if slightly to everything and everyone connected to you, this is energetic osmosis of sorts and in part it’s how your DMs are growing as most of them have ignored even the notion of a spiritual journey.  The reward for you is a higher frequency, i.e. growth and some self-worth, and for the universe it gets at least some balance.  All of which equals the universe’s law of “for the greater good”.  Everyone wins, or everyone loses.  It depends…  That’s a very simple explanation, very Big Bird, but it’s important I keep things simple.

The great irony of the TF journey is you can raise your frequency anytime you like, you actually don’t need it.  Most of you just didn’t know that, so the universe creates soul connections as a means to an end.  Otherwise everyone except enlightened monks would never grow and the universe would die a painful death as the energy went static..  Or it would likely just be a static energy universe, which can in theory exist.  I for example raise my vibration almost every month and I’m not waiting on any soulmates or part of any journey.  I think the universe created soul connections as a tool for itself because most people let’s face it are lazy.  They take “the path of least resistance” which is a law of physics within energy itself.   But that’s ironic because it neglects the concept of multiple levels of energy flow being mutually exclusive.  A concept that the very device you’re reading this on takes full advantage of by the way.  Yet most people do not.

You can raise your vibration as high as you like any time you like.  You do this by reaching for the stars as Hollywood likes to say.  You do this by leaving your comfort zones and putting yourself into new flows.  I and many always say, “go with the flow of energy”.  Don’t fight the current.  If it’s too much struggle it’s not meant for you.  Yes, that’s very good advice!!  You can always spot something that’s meant to be by how easy it flows to you.  YUP very true…  But this go with the flow advice is often misunderstood and it keeps people down ironically.  I mean if your life is great and you’re happy healthy wealthy and wise then ignore the text here. of course.  The advice to “go with the flow” and not fight the current only talks about the “flow” within the flow we’re currently in.  There are many flows.  Everything you want is already there.  You’re only flowing with the energy you’re in at any given time.  By reaching for the stars and NOT being lazy or fearful or feeling unworthy as frankly most people do you put yourself in a new more powerful higher vibrational flow to flow within.  And within that a new path of least resistance is created and off you go.  If we’re to talk physics I’ve just described how most devices work.  LOL  There isn’t just 1 flow of your life to go with.  I’ve changed my life no less than 6 times over the past 30 years.  Each time I’m on a new level, a new flow.  And within that I go with it and I allow things to flow right to me, casting off what I don’t want i.e. what feels like resistance, and keeping only what does flow nicely.

Not all of these higher vibrations will work for you.  Some won’t feel right, but that’s life..  If you want to stay stuck, you can… but they don’t call it growing pains for no reason.  It’s not all roses and rainbows this life of ours.  What I’m giving you is actually the formula for success in both prosperity and love.  It really is that simple.  It’s about self-worth and leaving comfort zones to flow within new higher vibrational flows.

All of this is what the TF journey was supposed to teach you.  But you don’t need it to learn these things.  You simply need to put yourself in higher vibration flows and flow with those.  You do this by taking chances, which are never really chances because you can always auto-correct if it feels wrong, adjust and flow your way out.  Need an example??  Okay….. We do this very concept all the time without realizing it in the 3D.  For example we quit one job to go to a better one.  This is the very 5D concept I’m describing here in simple 3D terms.  In fact Big Bird simple.  No math no science.  The correlation is 1:1..

We grow and raise our vibration by NOT being fearful, not by short-changing ourselves.  We grow it by seeing our value i.e. self-worth, self-confidence, and by expressing emotion with honesty and sincerity and without fear.  Meaning if you say hello to someone you want to know, make damn sure they feel it!!  Never choke on hello.  We’re all equal, there’s no reason to not look people in the eye, and not go after what or who you want.  BUT you don’t need a TF journey to do this as I said.  You can put yourself in higher flows to flow with anytime you like.  Just wake the fuck up and realize “you’re the shit”..   Take some chances, go for the gold, reach for the stars…. and do it with confidence.  Why not?  Life in the 3D is silly, it’s all just an illusion and at the end of the road a blur as any elderly person will tell you.  Life is what you make of it.  It’s actually so simple that if over-thought even for a second it gets ruined.  The magic of life is in its simplicity.  The fickle old gals is never more irritated with humans because of yes our free-will but also our need to over-complicate everything to death with our overthinking of things that require nothing of the sort.

My job given to me by the fickle old gal is to help you all see this and help you find it within yourself….  So listen very carefully….  EVERYTHING and ANYTHING you want is already there, just reach for it..  Everything that’s ever happened or ever will happen has already happened.  All of the frequencies you want are already there because all of the energy that’s ever been created or ever will be has already been created, and energy is nothing more than frequency, i.e. cycles.  You simply need to tune into them.  Einstein knew this and said it.  However he left out the part about HOW…  Well, here it is…. You do that by finding your self-worth, being brave, and reaching beyond what you think you can get.  We don’t grow if we keep doing the same shit over and over in the same vibrational flow.  Each flow of energy only has so much to offer us.  We must always move up in flow and float down new bigger rivers until we find our happy place.  Always aim higher with your manifesting for example.  If you want the Moon and you manifest just the moon you generally won’t get it.  You’ll get a little less..  Aim higher…….Always ask for something better..  As a good example, manifest Mars and you’ll get that moon you want.  I hope you catch my drift.  I don’t know how to Big Bird that more… lol  But what I’m telling you is no different than what the most successful people in the world would tell you.

I know some very successful very wealthy people.  Many of them have no college education.  In fact one of them dropped out of school in 10th grade at 15 years old.  By his own words he’s not qualified to do much more than work at McDonald’s or a sales type job.  When I read the energy of such people educated or not there is nothing special or different there.  No special band of energy or anything really that’s different from what I read of the average Joe or Jane.  This is an energetic fact and that’s why this happened.  I find nothing in my reads either as I said.  So why are they thriving?

***And let me point out this EXAMPLE is just about prosperity in these people and people like them.  It doesn’t mean they thrive in love or are enlightened.  I’m just offering you an analogy for the concept I’m trying to get across.  Prosperity is an energy, and that energy attracts much to you.  You can reach for the stars and move up in flow in whatever capacity you want. But the principle is the same.***

Their secret sauce is to always punch above their weight.  They’re people who figured out albeit by accident the very energetic concept that I have been trying my ass off to get across to all of you here.  They take chances, and as Kenny Rogers once said about the flow of energy, they know when to hold’em, and they know when to fold’em.  They don’t stick with something that’s against the current and not working.  They give it a chance and if it’s still not flowing they get out!!  But the point is they reach for things that others would be fearful to reach for.  1 of the 3 has lived on the streets in fact.  To put this energetic conversation into 3D terms for you…  The most successful people in life took chances, and failed often by the way.  BUT when things didn’t work their lesson wasn’t to lose their self-worth and never take chances again.  NO they regrouped and got themselves into a new flow, an even higher one in most cases.  They didn’t sit in flows that only brought them low or mid-level shit.  Anybody can make that work, it’s easy, in fact I’ll give you the science on it.  Even with electronics there’s smaller resistance in lesser energy flows.  Resistance is calculated by Ohms Law, voltage divided by amps R=V/I  Mathematical point being yes there can be more resistance in higher energy flows (vibration) which makes it “harder” (oh poor babies wa wa wa).  The word “harder” is the kiss of death for the lazy or those who lack self-worth or ambition i.e. low vibrational people.  But for those capable of very high vibration (basically all of you who follow me) there’s much more to gain in higher vibrational flows be it for love, prosperity or both making the extra resistance contained within them well worth the bravery and effort.

In life if you don’t try, you don’t get.  Sure go with the flow, and within that flow follow the path of least resistance, of course if it flows easily it’s for you at least per-say.  Yup that’s physics 101.  But if you just flow with the same old lower vibrational flow you’re in now for example the misconception is it will lead to a higher vibrational flow.  You’ll move up to a new level.  NO IT WILL NOT & YOU WILL NOT!!  You’ll retire at McDonald’s and meet some person who’s a match for the lower vibrational flow you’re on.  Like energy attracts like energy.  ALWAYS and FOREVER!!

Automatically shifting flows IS NOT HOW ENERGY WORKS.  I don’t care what Dateline backed guru says otherwise it’s FALSE and it even defies the laws of physics.  On a lower vibrational flow you’ll only get what that flow can bring you.  (gosh I hope that point is clear, not sure how to simplify it more.)  You can always move to a higher vibrational flow but you have to reach for it, you do this by finding your self-worth, self-confidence, and realizing that you’re the shit.  Which is WHY I’m helping you all find your “inner Empress” energy.  Once you realize in your soul that you deserve better the universe will open up new flows to you.  BUT you still have to reach for them, you have to PROVE you’ve grown and have confidence in yourself.  Always in life take chances.  Fortune they say favors the brave.  That is 100% backed up by physics.  You WILL NOT just automatically flow into higher vibrational flows as is often taught.  THAT IS WRONG and I will fight that to the death, me being me I know that to be true.

So again, I restate what countless others teach…  Yes when something is “easy” and flows right to you it’s usually meant to be, yup the path of least resistance is ideal.  It’s how energy works.  However there are many levels to energy.  You can stay on a lower vibrational path and live in a box behind a 7-11 and flow just fine within it.  Most of the resistance coming at you will be from Pigeons and Gulls trying to steal YOUR dumpster food..  LOL..   If that makes you happy, well… you’re all set, stay there.  Or you can reach for more and flow on another level.  It’s the difference between the average Joe going to his or her job they hate everyday and someone living their destiny.  For the average Joe in this example he set his destiny low, he settled for a low-flow.  This is why he hates his job, yet does nothing to change it, and takes no chances, he is stuck.  He has access to the same roads off the main drag that everyone does.  He just chose not to turn down them.  The choice is always ours, we have free-will.  And regardless of the vibration high or low, the laws of physics remain.  Each be it high or low has a path of least resistance to it.

The choice is always ours which level we flow on.  But we can only get to the higher vibrational flows by taking chances in the 3D.  That requires self-worth.  Self-worth is proof of worthiness of a higher flow.  No one with self-worth would sit in a lower-vibrational flow.  Self-worth is high vibration energy.  Taking chances requires self-worth.  I know I repeat a lot here, but what I’m saying is important.  Everyone attracted to my channel enough to read my blog here, has the potential of amazingly high vibration.  Far greater than many of you even realize.

We grow in life by learning.  Keeping the curious child alive within us is important.  That child that always wants to know more.  I never lost mine.  I’ve always taken chances.  I’ve always gone for things I have in all likelihood no chance of getting.  I say hello to and talk to successful people so I can learn how they did it.  I then take chances and put those principles into practice.  That’s how energy flow works, and it’s how we move to a higher plane.  Most of those big name people who appeal and draw in the masses through their advertising etc.  Know DAMN WELL that most of the people watching are just stuck in low-vibration for life.  They just want the money, and they make it, by the millions in fact.  I on the other hand have a following that I know has the potential to be of very high vibration, and that’s all I attract.  Low vibrational people are scared off by my channel.  They require sugar-coating.

In closing, they say fortune favors the brave…..  It does!!   Also be it love or money they say the rich get richer.  They do, because like energy attracts like energy.  Same applies to love.  Just replace the word fortune with love.  So be fucking brave, know you’re the shit, know your worth, never let anyone lower your vibration, which sadly most of you did when your DM ran.  Don’t EVER give anyone or anything the power to control your energy, and trust me people will try.  Low vibrational people will try to bring you down.  They want to lower your self-worth, they don’t want you to move beyond them.  They’ll tell you your feet stink and you’re not that hot, they’ll bang you and not call etc..  It’s devil energy, and it’s more about them than it is you.  (a topic for another article very soon I’m sure)…  It’s bad enough when we do it to ourselves.  So STOP IT!!  Find your self-worth, get your self-confidence so you can put yourself in higher vibration flows..  When you do get into a higher flow, and maybe feel out of your depth for a moment, give it a chance.  Take it from me, “the energy guy”, frequency adjusts to its environment.  That is a fact, I could give you 3D examples but this article is running long.

Always give things and people a chance to fail as I said in a previous article.  So yes go with the flow.  Flow your sweet asses right into some serious high vibration living and loving!!  Simply by taking some chances and punching above your weight.  You never have anything to lose, life in the 3D is an illusion.  You’re the star of your own movie, and the studios always give the star anything they want.  Win or lose you will never be here again, all you have is the present moment.   So don’t waste it by being a pussy fraidicat in some woe is me moment about how bad your life is.  That’s NONSENSE!!  If you don’t ask for things you don’t get them!  If you don’t say hello to people you don’t meet them!  Fear and self-doubt are our worst enemies in life.  STOP IT!!

We’ll have more on this topic in the future.  For now, I think my point having been repeated 90 times has been made…..  If not, if my Big Bird approach didn’t have an impact, perhaps next time I can Kermit, Grover, or Mr. Hooper it.  lol  Choose to ignore my words all you like.  I don’t much care actually.  I care about you yes…but I don’t care about outcomes…  Another little thing I teach all of you.  A few of you are very head-strong.  All I can do is share what I know to be true.  And that’s all I do here in this blog and on the YT vids.  From there it’s all you…. I’m just the messenger… aka “the one not to shoot”.
