The forgiven

This article is about the topic of reaching out, and the core reason for these soulmate connections and journeys..  But it also explains some of the core dilemmas I face on a daily basis in explaining it all.

The confusion of to reach out or not to reach out comes up more times than I can count.  Even though I’ve explained everything written in this article on video countless times, it’s still an issue.  On a monthly basis I’ll probably get about 50 inquiries from those who can’t understand why I suggest they not reach out to the runner.  Or worse a few who think I’m the one “telling them” this.  Which is wrong, but also scary to me, because that’s potentially a problem down the road.

Here’s the thing…. First off I never suggest or even advise anything in my readings.  My job which I think I do fairly well is to “read the energy“.  Energy brought in by the fickle old gal universe.  In short, I’m just “reading the energy“.  That concept alone is tough for many to understand.  You have to be philosophical enough to separate yourself from the energies around you.  And some just cannot do that.  Energy reading is very involved.  I do it on the videos the same way I might read a room I walk into and assess the atmosphere and various personalities contained within it.  There’s base energy and environmental energy.  It’s far more complex than that actually, but I’m not one to overcomplicate my explanations of things.  At its core the environmental energy is the energy of the room, in the room, think of it as the smell of the place.  The base energy is how the people in it are feeling and behaving.  People have free-will.  That free-will extends to both you and your person.  So the environmental energies and the base energies don’t always match.  Which is why I pull on and read BOTH in the YouTube readings…

A great example of this concept is weather.  I always use it on videos because it’s easy to understand.  Everyone knows what weather is.  But many forget that weather is energy…  The weatherman or woman is technically an energy reader.  When the weather-person gives a forecast he or she is giving you a reading basically.  The weather-person can tell you it’s going to rain.  But it is YOU, with your free-will that will ultimately decide whether or not to take an umbrella when you go out.

I’m going to explain a few things here that will I hope help some who are challenged by what I do.  And I’m not singling anyone out.  There are thousands for whom what I do just goes way over their heads.  I want to try to clear up some things to make everyone’s lives, my own included much easier.  My hope is that my explanations here help to avoid problems in the future, or worse yet some DF down the road blaming me for them not being with their DM because “I” said not to reach out.  Which is nonsense.  I’m just “reading the energy”…  The energy tells the story.  I’m just the talking hand interpreting it for you.  What you do with that information is up to you.  Hashtag “free-will”….

BUT there IS an important reason why the DF shouldn’t reach out.  Why it has to be the runner’s idea…  The keyword is they’re the “runner”…   You can’t be in a relationship with a “runner”…

My core issue in getting the message across to everyone is that true energy readers are experts in psychology and human nature.  And have an ability to dive deep and go down rabbit holes to figure out the “why” of it all.  Which is where the philosophy and science comes into it all.  We read things quickly, and we can go deep equally as fast.

And that’s all fine and good for me, doing my own energy reading.  The problem is that YouTube attracts all types.  I can’t control who comes to the channel.  Some of you are brilliant thinkers.  But for others my channel is too deep.  They can’t go much deeper than rainbows and unicorns.  They can’t process the information.

It’s not an insult, it’s life.  I’m sure all of you who read my blog are die hard fans of SLT so you likely are part of the smarter set, otherwise you wouldn’t have stuck around.  But let’s be honest here, let’s say what people don’t like to say..  The fact is greater than 90% of the population does NOT have the ability to go deep.  The average IQ in the USA has fallen to below 100 for the first time in history.  Genius IQ has had to be dropped from 150 where it sat for many years down to 130.  Which when I was a kid was a smart idiot.  LOL…  I blame technology for this in part as do many.  We no longer have to learn or do things for ourselves.  We don’t even have to parallel park our cars anymore.  The car does it for us.  Hawking warned prior to his death about technology.  When we no longer need to learn we stop growing and evolving.  When everything is done for us, we no longer need to think.  And that is the recipe for extinction.

All of this means that most people, the average person sees things in black and white, and maybe 1 or two gray areas.  This is why not everyone is a psychologist, or philosopher, mathematician, or scientist.  It’s why only a select few get into advanced engineering classes in college.  This doesn’t make them stupid or bad people, or even diminish their value, we’re all equal, and IQ only measures the brain, not the soul.  However it does make it risky for ME to deal with the people who don’t or just can’t go deep.  My channel and my reasons for being on YouTube are in part me wanting to give the smart people some help.  But the rest who trickle in are a bit of a wildcard because they may obsess, wig out, or harm themselves because I’m giving them information that they cannot fathom or even process properly..   They may misunderstand what I said and do the wrong thing.  It’s not like I can limit my SLT YouTube channel to only people with an IQ above 130.  I can’t do that.  A friend of mine early on who urged me strongly to NOT go on YouTube never said no one would watch.  His fear was that a lot would!!!  lol

But I obviously did the channel.  And I’m thrilled I did.  I did it despite the advice not to because I knew I could get around at least some of the limitations with my ability to “simplify” the energies..  Offer home-spun analogies and dirty jokes etc.  A bit like the way the science channel explains complex physics to the average Joe.  I do it all with an ability that has served me well over the years helping friends and family out with difficult issues.  I’m not one to over-complicate things.  Or distract with silliness like readings about what the unicorns want to tell you.  This soulmate cycle is far too difficult for that kind of bullshit.

BUT, no matter how hard I try I can never and never will be able to work past the principle of psychology which states that “people hear what they want to hear”.  And this is especially true of people in crisis.  The brain or ego is in panic mode in these cases.  They hear 10% of what I say, and 90% of what their inner-voice is trying to make them believe.  Sometimes I’m even the bad guy saying horrible things by their perception.

In a video with 20K views I will inevitably offend in some way about 1000 people.  Either they misinterpret what I say, or they don’t go deep enough on something I say and have trouble applying it.  They don’t ask themselves, “why did he say that?”  They just assume I’m a harsh asshole.  I always say on the videos that everything I say be it a joke or analogy is part of the energy.  I say that for a reason, I want YOU the viewer to THINK!!  I want you to DIG DEEP!  I want you to grow and open that old soul of yours up.  Sometimes I explain it, but sometimes I don’t catch it on video in the process of doing a reading so I don’t.  All of this is unavoidable.  It’s part of the job and part of the problem.  Those who connect with me, I always say would probably get along well with me in person.  Those who do not, would not.  They would constantly be offended, or angry with me for something I said.  Missing my sense of humor completely in a red-faced rage.

Like I said, people, hear what they want to hear.  But only people who are not open to receive.  There’s a difference between not hearing what I said properly, and not understanding it.  I can fix not understanding it.  I can’t fix not hearing it.  I can say on video for example.. “make your own decisions, and always do what’s best for you“, and 5K people in a 20K view video will not hear it.  It’s like I never said it at all, it never happened.  My point is it’s a tough job I have.  Getting 20K or worse yet 30 or 40K people of varying comprehension levels all on the same page is as has been said like herding cats.

Why is this important for you to understand?  Because, misunderstandings can cause problems for a channel, or even problems for me.  So the way I see it, part of my job is to be clear, as clear and transparent with my readings as possible.  Which is part of what this blog is here to help with.  And what I hope this article will help with in relation to why the runner must be the one who reaches out and returns…  Read the text below carefully, and slowly.. And try to hear my voice in your head as I behave and talk on video as you read it.  It’ll help it all sink in…

So let me be clear, and let’s talk about reaching out to the runner.  THE ENERGY in this cycle says that the runner should not be reached out to by the non-runner.  This is because by doing so you in effect let them off the hook for their lesson.  The runner’s core lesson in this cycle is one of being vulnerable.  By reaching out “the energy” suggests that you are forgiving their behavior which only lets them out of learning their lesson.  I’ll explain this more deeply in a moment but the logic involved is if someone runs from you, the onus is on them to come back, NOT for YOU to chase them down.  That in-turn ties to the DFs or non-runner’s lesson, which is one of self-worth.  It would show a real lack of self-worth if you chase them.  Why would you chase someone who isn’t capable of opening up.  You don’t EVER want to be in a relationship that you have to sell to the other person.  That’s a recipe for despair or even worse codependency.

The energy of all of this is clear.  BUT NO ONE, not me or ANYONE is saying that you can’t reach out.  By all means if you want to go ahead.  BUT if you do, you will likely find they will run again.  The energy suggests that in doing this you’re taking away any chance of them being any different than they were when they ran in the first place.  The energy suggests it has to be their idea to reach out.  The runner needs to put the ego down and live life by the cups.  In a deeper shade of soul so to speak, they need to open their heart chakra to let the signals from their soul reach the brain.  They need to be vulnerable in order to learn its true value.  And moreover to learn YOUR true value in relation to them.

Furthermore the energy suggests that if you’re worried about them reaching out, you yourself have not learned your lesson of self-worth.  You’re denying yourself your own lesson by pining and eagerly awaiting their return.  The Empress energy around the DF chases no one.  That’s the secret to its success, it’s the energy that makes the Empress alluring.  The golden rule of manifesting or living a happy life is that all things come to those who don’t give a shit whether they get them or not.  My channel grew for example because I don’t fucking care if it grows or not.  It makes no difference to me one way or the other if 6 people watch or 60K people watch.  I don’t care…

The Empress begs for nothing, he or she is attractive.  Energetically in this cycle the Empress tried, and was run from by an out of balance Emperor.  As the light seer deck depicts, the Emperor (Burger King) is sitting in his or her chair waiting for the Empress to come to them and kneel before Zod so to speak because of their ego, their Burger King nature of having things their way.  And their way is one of ego and narcissism, which involves blame-shifting, and deflection of emotion.  Even deflection or carpet-sweeping of past pains.  If you give into that, energetically they get it their way, and neither side learns anything.  So it’s just a relationship between a runner still afraid to be vulnerable and a DF with no self-worth and likely codependency issues.  And what fucking good is that???  NOT GOOD AT ALL!  And if you think it is, take a good look at yourself and ask the philosophical question of “why?

Deeper on the logic side, this begs the question “why” would you want a love relationship with someone incapable of giving and receiving love on your vibrational level?  The answer is you wouldn’t!!!…  The whole point of soul connections is to grow your energy.  To raise your vibration through what the other person and the connection itself has to teach you.  The connection’s point is to make you a better person.  A bionic version of who you were before, better, faster, stronger,…

The point of these connections is to help you find “who you really are“.  Only soulmates have the missing puzzle pieces to find this because who you really are lives in the soul.  And soulmates are the only connections that can access this energy and fill in the missing pieces.  You will and have met many soulmates in your lifetime.  Some deeper connections than others, but it’s the deep ones that have the BIG puzzle pieces.  The life-changing ones.  For the soulmate skeptics out there, psychology explains this same concept on a more scientific level by teaching us that we learn “who we are” through our interactions with others, and we process those lessons in isolation.  Hence, the separation period of a soulmate cycle.  They say the same thing, one just has more flash and hocus-pocus to it is all..

I assure any and all of the DFs if you’re part of a soulmate cycle you have a destiny, you are an old soul.  People like me are here to awaken it, not offend you.  Though we may trigger you from time to time, but that triggering is important, it shows your soul is still there, still alive and kicking.

Who you really are is not a sad depressed person who is love-struck and heartbroken over an ego maniac who couldn’t give or receive love, even within themselves.  Who you really are is NOT someone waiting for this person or anyone to reach out to you.  That energy is read by the universe as “desperation”, and it’s repellent to not only the runners, but to any new soulmates as well.  And since desperation is negative, it feeds itself..

Who you really are IS someone who offers love generously, and if you don’t receive it back you know it wasn’t meant to be.  You take your lessons, learn them, remember them, and grow from them.

Now let’s talk about forgiveness.  And why this article is titled with it.  Forgiveness is an energy.  Everything is energy as I always say.  Forgiveness is for ourselves, not for the other person.  The ENERGY suggests…. not me…… the energy….  suggests that the only way the runners learn that being vulnerable isn’t a weakness is if they actually return and open up.  i.e. come right as the kids on YouTube like to say…  The ENERGY suggests that if the non-runner reaches out, the runner never learns this lesson.   It’s as simple as that… And it’s also quite logical as I’ll explain with some examples below..

I’ll offer an example.  A common one at that.  The energy of forgiveness is explained no better than in relation to cheating…  Forgiveness is often a misused energy.  Meaning it’s used backwards.  Many forget that it’s for US and NOT the other person.  If we use it away from us it has an equal opposite effect.  The laws of physics apply across the board in our universe.

Let’s say someone got cheated on.  Often the person cheated on lets the cheater slide, caves in after some arguing and crying and says something ridiculous like “if you ever do it again, I swear, I’ll leave.”…  (typically an empty threat by the way) Then the couple bangs and all is forgiven except for a few dirty looks now and again across the dinner table..

The energy of that act of “forgiving” the other person is a reverse use of the energy resulting as psychology teaches us in a near guarantee that they will indeed cheat again.  They’ll just be more clever about it the second time so they don’t get caught.  The cheater’s brain or ego registers this reverse energy of forgiveness as “oh,,,,I got away with it…. cool…“..  Well they did… They cheated, lied to cover it up, and got caught, then forgiven with a fake-ass warning not to do it again, and on top of that they even god laid, i.e. make-up sex.

Sure they may be apologetic, but often they turn it around on the victim and play the victim themselves.  That’s narcissism, and it’s a red-flag that shows you the type of person you’re dealing with.  For example they’ll switch it up and blame the person they cheated on by saying it’s their fault, they were not attentive enough or some bullshit like that.  So the person cheated on feels bad, and blames themselves.  This is bullshit because if someone’s not attentive enough you have a conversation about that.  You don’t go out and bang someone from the office or where ever.  This blame-shift energy automatically reverses the polarity of the forgiveness energy and is usually the reason why the cheater ends up with it in the end.  Which as I said triggers their subconscious and a reward effect of sorts.  Their brain registers, “sure I got caught, but it was just an argument and I made them think it was their fault, and then I got rewarded with sex!!”  Sounds like a pretty good deal to the cheater for sure…  This is why repeat offenders are common.  It’s always why TV shows like “Cheaters” have many “repeat offender” episodes each season.

Human nature isn’t that complex really.  You just have to pay attention.  The great Dr. Phil has a saying that talks about this principle when he says “if they did it with you, they’ll do it to you.”..  He’s referring to you being the one they cheated with, then you get into a relationship with them.  But it works both ways.  It’s the same misuse of forgiveness energy because you “forgave” them for being a cheater even if it was with you.  You ignored the fact that this is someone who cheats.  And then you rewarded them with lots of sex and a relationship.

Remember people’s actions show you who they are.  So I will repeat, if they did it with you, they’ll do it to you.  Or in psychology books it’s actually often written as, “if they do it to someone else, they’ll do it to you“..  Whatever “it” is specifically makes no difference.  For example if they treat a waiter badly and are a prick, they’ll be a prick with you and treat you badly under the right or similar conditions.  With this concept we learn positive things about a person, or negative things, it cuts both ways.  The point is, we have to pay attention..  And most people don’t, and there-in lies the rub…  It’s the old concept of lessons not learned are doomed to repeat.  But the universe tries to warn us all the time.  We get information from the universe by the ability to observe someone’s actions to learn who “they” are.  The trick again is to pay attention.

This is why in this cheating example you don’t ever forgive THEM…  You forgive YOURSELF for being fooled.  You don’t have to break-up.  BUT, they need to EARN your trust back.  Ideally EARN YOU BACK!!  And that my dear DF’s is what “self-worth” looks like.  That positive use of the forgiveness energy lets the other party know they didn’t get away with it.  And almost guarantees that they WON’T do it again..  Self-worth leads to confidence energy.  And that’s some powerful shit.

The same applies in our soulmate lesson situation.  If the DF reaches out to the DM you are utilizing bad use of forgiveness energy.  And you all but guarantee that they will run from you again, because you let them get away with not being open and vulnerable with their feelings.  You gave them an out.  They fucked you over, ran from you, and YOU stroked their ego by sitting there in a pile of tears until you broke down and came right back to them like a boomerang.  Giving them not only what they wanted, which was to retain power and be that Emperor sitting in that chair.  But you also gave them no reason to grow or even be any different than they were when they originally ran from you.  Because they’ll just figure they can bang you, run again, and you’ll just come back again.

Proper use in this case of forgiveness energy is for the runner to get their shit together, and be forced to really feel the loss of the DF.  And for the DF to forgive themselves and learn their core lesson of self-worth…  Learn that they are attractive, and it’s not their fault that some DM ran from them.  Even if the DF made mistakes too, which is common, the core lesson of the DM is still one of being vulnerable so the same logic we’ve been covering here applies.  Your lessons are for YOU, and their lessons are for THEM.  Both sides must learn their lessons individually or no real relationship can or likely will ever happen.

In closing it’s always been ironic to me that the runners in this current soulmate cycle feel that being vulnerable is weak.  Why is it ironic you may ask?  Because the Emperor loves and lives for control.  And there is NO GREATER control in life than being vulnerable enough to tell someone and/or show someone how you truly feel.  To bare your soul to another person is one of life’s greatest gifts.  Moreover it’s a show of great power.  This is because love cannot be contained.  It’s the most powerful force that affects us in the universe we live in.  It’s what the soul is made of.  It’s where we come from and it’s where we go back to.  So all of the fear of being vulnerable locked up inside the precious egos of the runners actually and rather ironically results in the net result of loss of control.  And control is the very thing the Emperor craves.  He or she only learns the power of vulnerability from the Empress by the way.

But all of this ego and fear of being vulnerable also results in a whole lot of pain, which also can’t be controlled or permanently carpet-swept because this specific pain is rooted in love, and love cannot be contained or carpet-swept away.  The only way to control love and I use the word control loosely is to let it flow.  The soul and heart want what they want.  In fact if an Ace of cups (love left sitting, unexpressed) sits too long it becomes toxic, still-water, but also quite acidic.  Eating away at the holder of said cup from the inside out.  Eventually that toxic acidic emotional water eats right through that Ace of cups itself, and all that love and emotion spills out like a dam bursting over an unsuspecting sleepy town.

As I always say, the soul always wins in the end.  But it’s always better to learn our lessons before the end.  Which is what I encourage my viewers to do.  Most of the lessons we must learn in life we must learn for ourselves.  Someone like me can only point the way.  In the end it is we who must do the inner-work in isolation.  Be it the self-worth lesson of the DF, or the vulnerability lesson of the DM.  As it is in my own life and I’m sure many of yours, those lessons usually end up being learned the hard way..  But are always worth it in the end.
