RockTober & The Recipe for Change

The month of October (RockTober) is so powerful its energy is creeping into the readings even a week prior to me pulling on the month itself.  The October column of the 4th quarter reading I pulled was astounding and backed up every reading I did that lead up to it.  The Death card keeps showing up, and lately has only read “Change”.  One message, one solid energy.  This is part of the key of what makes October so powerful this year.  But change is the end product.  Every end product is made up of ingredients.  The current element or energetic ingredient that keeps showing up and will continue to in October is the 4 of cups.  The 4 of cups keeps showing up in all the right places at just the right time in the readings, and always around the runner.  Especially in the extended readings.  The ingredient it brings to the table is one of “disappointment”.

But there’s a hidden ingredient we’ve yet to see.  An ingredient I believe that will reveal itself in October in particular.  And that ingredient is the key to the change that the Death card keeps hinting at.  And that’s the energetic ingredient of “anger”.

The month of October contains a very powerful portal energy.  Portal energies are bursts.  Think of it like turbo boost in the old Knight Rider KIT car on that TV show.  The energies around the portal determine its strength.  Last year in 2021 the 10/10 portal was one I dubbed “The party at the 10/10”.  This year due to surrounding energies it’s not just a party.  It’s a BLOCK PARTY!!  In October, Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury go direct.  Jupiter moves back into Pisces for a 7 or so week stay until just before Christmas when it moves again into Aries.  This time direct of course..  At the end of October we move into the final eclipse season of 2022.  All of this with all of the lead in energies create a lot of “pressure” on the runners in particular.  The DFs should enjoy the ride.  Their lives if they allow the energy to flow will increase in speed.  Their lives will change in ways they cannot even imagine at this moment.  The runners, most of which are DMs, will be in a pressure cooker of disappointment and urgency to say the least.  August and September already showed them that they cannot keep the status-quo.  It’s very much a change or die energy right now.

So why is the change so difficult for them, and why is “anger” a necessary energetic ingredient to make change possible??  The answer is simple.  The dominant energy right now around everything as anyone who watches my readings knows is “disappointment”.  But disappointment on its own is NOT usually enough for the “end result energy” of “change” to take hold.  As any ex alcoholic, drug addict, or smoker will tell you.  The energy of being “disappointed” in one’s self for failing to quit, for failing to change, never creates any actual change.  In fact it usually causes the smoker to want to have a smoke and feel better, or the drinker to have a drink to drown the disappointment they feel in themselves.  By itself disappointment is what I call a “woe is me” type energy.  It leads to self-pity.  And self-pity and disappointment are two ingredients that do not make a good tasting cookie.

As I said in a recent article on frequency exchange, energies blend together and are individually ingredients in a recipe.  Usually any result is a blending of energies.  Just like the result of a cookie is a blending of ingredients.  It’s not JUST the flour, or JUST the sugar.  That’s just flour and sugar separately.  A cookie is made up of several energies i.e. ingredients.  Flour, baking soda, salt, sugar, eggs, butter, and maybe some vanilla or whatever else you want to add.  But if all you have is flour, that’s all you have.  Flour by itself is not a cookie.

Same applies to these energies.  The universe with The Death card is trying to make change.  But it needs to do some shopping.  It only has 1 of the 2 ingredients it needs.  Meaning… it needs 2 ingredients from your runner to form “change”.  All it’s getting is 1 ingredient, “disappointment”.  The other magic ingredient that is required for change is “anger”.  You put 1 part disappointment with 1 part anger and you get a cookie called “change”.  Whether it’s a runner finally making some changes in their life, or a smoker finally not lighting up.  No change happens until we get mad at ourselves.  Downright angry in fact!!  Disappointment alone as I’ve said is NOT enough to make a change cookie.  Anger is required, and specifically inward anger.  Anger at one’s self.  Which can sometimes result in lashing out as a by-product shall we say..

My guess with the pressure cooker that is October is we’ll begin to see that anger in the readings.  The Death card is coming out far too much for it to not be close.  The anger may show itself as a Queen of swords that keeps popping up, or more likely the energy off the Devil will begin to reflect anger instead of toxin.  Anger is the opposite energy to love and it does not live in the soul.  It generally reflects as a specific energy off the Devil card when it shows up in tarot.  We’ll know by its placement in the reading, and what energy I get off of it, so we’ll just have to wait and see.  This anger ingredient may also show up as a combination of energies, i.e. a chariot crossed by a Queen of swords or even a King of swords.  Or even better a 4 of cups crossed by the Devil.  Anything is possible, but what is definite is that for change to occur we need 1 more ingredient.

And I think October is the key.  The 4th quarter of 2022 reading clearly showed this happening.  That reading told us that what happens in October, leads to November’s action.  Which in-turn leads to December’s Ace of Pentacles crossed by the Fool…. It’s the only quarterly reading so far that was directly tied together in such a precise way.

So stay tuned….  all of this has already kicked off in the readings here in September.  But I think this Sunday’s New Moon reading coupled with the October monthly overview read, and the sign reads for October will all be very revealing, and likely reflective of the very things I’m pointing out here in this article.

But the cake-taking award goes to today’s Merc-Retrograde back into Virgo reading.  This reading and its EPIC extended sets the stage for all of October for sure…
