2025 – “This year has no title”

Before anyone panics 2025 actually does have a title.  I’m not copping-out on this year’s post.  Actually 2025’s title IS “This year has no title“, which is actually taken from a song on Elton John’s 1973 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road release called, “This song has no title“.  This coming year’s energy as I’m picking up on it seems to be a blending of this song’s concepts which are quite deep and about experiencing life on a richer than normal level, and a small piece of another song on the same album called “Roy Rogers“, which has a more tactile theme.

I’ve been doing these yearly predictions for decades for friends and family and since 2022 for all of you.  But I have to say that it’s quite rare for me to attach a song to a yearly title even though it’s quite common in the tarot readings.  Normally these yearly things are a straight-up energy read and I just give it a title for fun.  This year the universe shoved Elton’s Yellow Brick Road in my face so much I even found a Gold painted brick on one of my famous “orange walks”.

Having a song as the main energy to represent the year for me means in Steve-speak that the coming year of 2025 has a soundtrack, and based on “This song has no title” that soundtrack will likely be quite dramatic, dreamy, and adventurous, just like this song’s composition is.  As a point of note your specific soundtrack for the year may differ, this is just how it’s coming in for me.

In my experience years energetically infused with music are a big deal.  They’re either incredibly enlightening or bring great change with them.  I haven’t had a year infused with music that that came in with a soundtrack since 2021, which was a year I gave the title “Somewhere in a fairytale” to.  And 2025’s soundtrack seems to be far more profound than 2021’s for sure.

These are important years, (the music years as I call them) because music touches the cups/water element.  We’re about 60% water, and music moves the water in our bodies around and creates waves of emotion.  This is why making love with the right music on in the background is often a deeper experience than without music.  And that applies even if that music is simply playing in your head and not even through any external speakers.

Whether you notice it or not the backdrop of 2025 will have a soundtrack infused with its core-energy, and that soundtrack while variable for each of you will be very emotional and down-right motivating at the same time.  It’s likely a year where songs you haven’t heard in a long time will return.  Or maybe music will have an even greater impact than normal on you.  Either way it’s nice to get a break from the background element of fire that’s been present in the past 3 recent years, 22, 23, & 24.  And no I’m not talking about elements in ration to astrology, I just mean the thematic content of the core energy itself.

So why as I was picking up on the coming year’s energy did the universe send ME track 5 on Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road “This song has no title” (2:23)., with a pinch of track 15 “Roy Rogers” (4:08) from the same album attached to it to represent 2025’s core theme energy???

(note: I laid the paragraph above out the way I did with track numbers, titles, and length etc. so you could work your magic with the numerology if you want to, and also a bit of colorology if you like…  Remember, everything matters when you read or interpret energy.  Even the obvious Wizard of Oz theme of the album title matters..  So give the paragraph above some thought…)

So let’s talk about 2025.  Let’s begin with the music the universe sent in to represent it.  (“Tune me in to the wild side of life I’m an innocent young child sharp as a knife” – Elton John “This song has no title”) – Elton’s “This song has no title” from its opening lines dives deep into a quest for knowledge and self-understanding.  It speaks of a longing to explore both the light and dark in order to discover ourselves, i.e. who we really are and our place in the world, and yes I said “world” not “universe” because 2025 is a very tactile 3D energy. 2025 will re-ground us back into our lives in these vessels that we call bodies here on good old planet Earth.  Everything in 2025 will feel very real and tactile, which will allow us to more easily find the deeper meaning in things.

Interestingly enough the track 15 “Roy Rogers” lyrical element while a small part of the incoming energy as I read it, comes in to remind us of the dangers of not appreciating the mundane, the everyday, the simple.  Whether it’s machines, or life, or energy in general, simple is almost always better.  “Roy Rogers” as a song is about someone whose forgotten the miracle and gift that just being alive is, and has allowed their life to feel shitty and stuck in the 9 to 5 routine.  So much so that their only source of happiness is Roy Rogers on TV each night, or as the song says, “returning to our silver screen“.  It’s actually a song I had not heard much over the years, and I must admit that it’s quite moving in its own simple way.  And I agree with the energy that these two very obscure Elton songs on one of the most famous albums of all time blend well together to sum up the year.

One of the finest things we may take away from 2025 I believe, is a newfound appreciation, or a re-found appreciation I should say for the simple things that make life worth living.  As the late great Warren Zevon said to Letterman prior to his passing about life and death, “you learn to appreciate every jelly sandwich.” Often quoted as him saying, “people need to learn to appreciate every sandwich“.  What he really was saying was most people don’t appreciate life until it’s about to end, and that’s a mistake.

2025 offers a chance for us all to not just learn who we are on a deeper level by experiencing many different situations and emotions, i.e. the year contains some honest to goodness real adventures for us all.  But it also allows us to appreciate our existence here in the 3D in the simplest of terms.  2025 offers us a chance to appreciate every sandwich, jelly or otherwise.  And it’s in that balance of the deep and the simple, the mixing of the deep concepts of “This song has no title” and a few profound yet simple sections of “Roy Rogers’ that we might just find 2025 to be the year we figured it out.  What’s “it”??  “It” is different for everyone.  But as a whole “it” is why we’re here, and moreover it’s also what matters to us, and the sometimes more important what doesn’t.

And that’s what 2025 is about.  It’s a “Year that has no title” because it is an open-ended energy, which as an energy reading type is my all time favorite thing.  I do love an all bets are off energy.  If I had to put a tarot card to this type of energy it would likely be a 9 of cups crossed by a 9 of pentacles.  I chose minor arcana cards there because our decisions and free-will are very much in play in a year like this.  In many ways more than usual.  In other words in a year like 2025 there can be more choices, more crossroads than normal put before us.  But fortunately it’s also a year that makes accessing our own inner wisdom much easier than normal, so we can make short-work of those decisions and crossroads.

One thing to for sure keep in mind is that 2025 is a deeply personal year.  Energetically as a whole it’s not about elections or societal energies, or any of what you might see on the news throughout the year.  Everything that truly matters this coming year is all deeply personal.  It’s about going inward, to rediscover what’s been lost.  And what’s been lost is different for everyone, yet oddly the same.

As we go inward this year we’ll declutter.  We’ll boil things down to their least common denominator.  The energy itself will automatically cause us to look at complex things like who are we, and why are we here, and what do we value, want, and need.  And through that process we’ll also re-learn how to appreciate the simple things, i.e. jelly sandwiches, sunset, sunrises, and even rainy days.  And that in-turn on the backside will help societal energies clean up their act.  2025 is a year that we stop looking out and start looking in.  We stop looking for someone to follow, and start becoming someone to follow.

In closing 2025 is a year that releases much of the tension that has built up in the energy around us.  As sensitive as I am it all gives me a headache.  There’s so much fear, confusion, & hate, swirling together, it’s energetically deafening.  Much of the divisiveness and polarization that’s been causing this has the potential to fade to background noise in 2025.

So 2025 has the potential to be a year well-lived and well-felt all on a deeply personal level.  It’s a year that could end with you actually feeling it was JUST FOR YOU.  My advice is make this a year you try new things.  Make this a year of new experiences, both physical and emotional.  Make this year about YOU!!  Not in a selfish way that harms others, but in a creatively selfish way that benefits you without harming others.  You do that by simply maintaining a spirit of generosity while you’re “doing you”.  What I mean is always be aware of and considerate of other people’s energy.  Remind yourself daily while you’re being creatively selfish and having a deeply personal year that everything is energy and everything is connected.  Remind yourself that nothing including you exists in isolation.  Remind yourself before you thumbs down someone’s reading on YouTube that you’re not the only one watching and just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean it isn’t helping the fuck out of someone else’s shit.  — Just sayin’

So get excited about 2025.  And best of all you can get started right now, right here in September 2024 as this article hits the web.

Whether you look at it as 2025 from the Gregorian or Julian calendars, or 5785 from the Hebrew calendar makes no difference.  The energy around us cares not about our silly calendars.  What we call years are nothing more than us tracking the Earth’s transit around the Sun, so we know how old we are, or what time shit comes on TV.  Energies move in cycles and cycles almost always bleed and blend together, think of it as a fade in and a fade out.  Very few cycles ever have an abrupt ending like a calendars do.

Like any other year I’m writing this article and giving the coming year a title because the energy is beginning to bleed in.  It usually begins about mid-August.  It’s getting strong enough to pick up on.  At the moment here on September 11th 2025’s energy is blending a bit with the energy of the current year (2024) but never-the-less it’s here right now, and while you can’t take FULL advantage of it at this time, you can at least begin to get a whiff of it.

I think this is a good place to end.  And I’ll end things with a fitting quote from Elton’s “This song has no title”, aka our main theme energy for 2025,  (“Each day I learn just a little bit more, I don’t know why but I do know what for, If we’re all going somewhere let’s get there soon, Oh this song’s got no title just words and a tune”)

Simply change the word “song” above to the word “year” and take those lyrics forward as a mantra of sorts into 2025,,,,   Do that, and I think you’ll be good to go for a pretty adventurous, and dare I say enlightening year.

— Cheers