2023 – The year of “Restoration”

Every year about this time I get the vibes in on the coming year.  In 2020 my vibe was “The great perhaps“.  In 2021 my vibe was “Somewhere in a fairy tale“.  And in 2022 my vibe was “The unfinished symphony” aka “Unfinished business.”  All of which proved true for most in my life and many of you.

It’s kinda funny that over time my friends all wait for my prediction.  They say it gives them an idea of the year to come.  And it does.  My vibe read gives the year a title of sorts.  Like a title of a movie or a book, it reflects the theme..  My friends and family got my prediction for 2023 two weeks ago.  So here in my blog I will publish it for all of you right now..  Usually the vibe comes in strong in late August or early September, so you can expect my prediction each year at around this time..

2023’s vibe title is “Restoration“.  Some might see that as meaning resurrection, and you can if you like.  But my prediction of a year of “Restoration” is more reflective of the Restoration period in history..  I made the prediction of “Restoration” for 2023 about 2 weeks ago PRIOR to Queen Elizabeth II’s death oddly enough.  Why is that important to note?  Well for me it’s a bit of an accuracy check resulting from a very strong sign from the universe.  To understand that you have to know what the Restoration period represents.  And you also have to note that due to her death we now have King Charles III 

The Restoration period refers to the time following the restoration of the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies under King Charles II in 1660. While the exact dates differ depending on context, for Restoration drama it is often seen as continuing through until 1710, during the reign of Queen Anne.

The King Charles succession from II to III coincidence aside…  2023 will be a year of restoration, and I’m quite sure of that.  It will be a year where we restore our own inner king and or queen.  We will become the masters of the lessons we have learned and move ourselves to a new level.  We will again become whole, or at least begin to… Soulmates new and old will appear.  This is why that attracting energy keeps coming up in the 3 card reads lately…

There is no clearer picture of this than the Q4 of 2022 reading which I just pulled recently…  That reading reflects in many ways the period prior to Restoration in history.  Which was a period of “resolve”…  Resolve leads to Restoration.  And 2023 is the year of “Restoration”…

Stay tuned, that theme is going to come up in the readings for sure…  I look forward to this coming year, and seeing how all this growth and resolve plays out in myself and all of you….
