2023 – A steady march down destiny’s road

I’ve done a Q1 of 2023 reading, and even a Schrodinger’s Cat on 2023 and what we can expect.  I’ve written an article about Jupiter’s move into Aries on December 20th which I will pull a reading on very soon, which talks about a steady flow of Jupiter growth energy and explains what I mean by “steady flow”..  But in this article I’m going to add to the 2023 mix by mentioning just a couple astrology points.  Mainly focused on the first quarter of the year but these points carry us through the entire year and beyond as they are very powerful.

First off everything is energy, and everything in connected.  Science points this out by proving the existence of what they call “dark energy”, and that energy is a web of sorts that connects everything.  This is the core energy that I pull on in my readings for you guys.  The astrology of things is the BUT in the mix.  I often call it the wind that a sniper has to account for when aiming at a target.  The gravity of the local planets and objects around us pull on this “dark energy” as they move around and align in various ways with one another.  And when this happens it creates a distortion in the energy.  It stretches and pulls it in what can be good ways or bad ways.

Now having just that basic understanding is enough for you to appreciate why 2023 is so special.  It is as I’ve called it, “its own animal.”  2023 is a year of change and growth.  A year that I’ve dubbed “restoration” as a title for it.  There are many factors making this happen.  It’s not just about the astrology.  In fact in almost all cases the astrology is a secondary energy.  Meaning it’s far weaker than the core energy.  That said, the core energy flow and the cycles that have been coming into play over the past 2 years leading up to 2023 have set the stage for the changes to come.  Most of these changes are positive in flow.  However you can’t have light without shade, so yeah…. your day to day life might see some of the usual nonsense as always..  However for the most part the core energy cycles in play right now as we move into 2023 are rare, and incredible.  And I’ve been talking about these core energies on my readings going as far back as telling you about the main core energy cycle change that happened back in mid March of 2022.  In March of 2022 we moved from a core energy cycle of a cloudy day and spiritual journeys and questioning ourselves that began back around June of 2020 (which I wrote an article on) into a cycle in mid-March of 2023 of a sunny day, and one that was setting the stage for what was to come, and also one that would make sense of what’s to come..

All of this near perfect core energy only serves to enhance the energy of the astrology pulling on it.  The core energy is very balanced, and while usually certain astrological alignments can knock things out of balance, in the coming year very little will affect the balance within the core energy around us.

That said and to add to the Q1 of 2023 reading I did on YouTube let me say this about the 1st quarter of the year.  There’s an energy in play that many astrologers dub “The march of destiny”.  It’s a rare energy, and we’ve got it in 2023 into 2024.  It basically says in a catchy title sort of way what I’ve already said here in this article.  Jupiter’s energy is massive, it’s the 4th largest energy that affects us on a daily basis.  And throughout the year its energy is uninterrupted, as I wrote in my article on that topic.  In 2023 Jupiter is in Aries until May.  Jupiter in Aries is adventurous.  It makes us bold, and we try things we never tried before.  We express feelings easily when normally they’re difficult.  Jupiter hasn’t been in Aries since June of 2010, and that’s great, but that was an “interrupted” cycle of Jupiter (as talked about in my article on this topic) so we didn’t get the FULL benefit of the power of Jupiter in Aries the last time around.  This time, it’s “uninterrupted” Jupiter energy.  Meaning it doesn’t retrograde back into a previous sign.  it stays in the sign it’s in for the duration of its 11.8 month stay there.

But there’s much more going on than Jupiter’s giant energy.  The year begins in January with a month of heavy North Node of destiny activity.  It’s a month where you should be able to almost feel the changes about to happen.  Feel the destiny if you will.   Most of this north node activity in January is tied to Jupiter and Neptune energies.  Jupiter is about growth of course, and Neptune is about imagination in this case when paired with the north node energies.  Again like I said it’s bold energy of trying to new things but also a very humble energy blends with it all, which is a key ingredient to success.  As arrogance is never truly rewarded by the universe..

The energy of January carries over into February.  Where the north node activity adds in the energy of Saturn.  Saturn the taskmaster, the teacher of lessons is a real life-path pointer of a flashing sign when it pairs with north node energy..

But in March it gets even better.  Saturn hasn’t been in the sign of Pisces since 1993.  On March 7th it moves into Pisces.  Saturn in Pisces is easily described as a dream come true energy.  It’s very spiritual in that sign.  With all the north node energy that happened in January and February and all of the bold energies of Jupiter in Aries it’s pretty easy to see why my Q1 of 2023 reading came out the way it did.

This is just the first quarter.  2023 is set to be one hell of a year for sure…  Many of you will move, or find new love, or try new things in general.  And the energy itself is conducive to bravery being rewarded..  Meaning there’s a good chance these new things will work out.   I didn’t mention much of the astrology I’m talking about here in this article on the Q1 reading because it’s complicated and it’ll all get talked about anyway as I pull readings throughout the year.

But I do want you to get excited about 2023.  This and any energy requires reciprocation to flow properly.  Meaning it requires your participation.  If you doubt it, or are negative about it, it’ll still benefit you, but you’ll miss all the magic of it and won’t appreciate the expansion happing in your life as much.

The energy of the year itself simply requires from you a little faith and a little self-confidence, a little “I’m worth it” attitude.  But the energies themselves are conducive to this so it should be easy for you.  My advice for the year, especially in the first quarter of it is whenever possible choose what inspires you and don’t let fears get in the way.

Now of course that doesn’t mean don’t think logically about things or situations or people before you try them.  Just don’t over-think it.  There’s NO ROOM in the energy of 2023 for 8 of swords overthinking or 5 of swords short-term thinking.  It’s a massive year of change. The energy can only provide the opportunity.  It’s always up to us to make the moves and allow the energy to flow around us and not be blocked by us.  i.e. “God or the universe helps those who help themselves”..

But year promises a lot of clarity of thought, and boldness of action.  The second half of 2020, 2021, and 2022 set up the pins.  In 2023 we get to knock them down and enjoy the game or the ride if you prefer…

They say fortune favors the brave.  And that’s never been more true than in 2023 based on the energies in play…  But this article only deals with the energies of the first quarter of the year.  The second quarter beginning in late March involves Pluto changing signs for the first time since 2008 and moving into Aquarius BRIEFLY.  It’s an interrupted journey that only lasts until June 11th or so, but it will give us a taste of this potent life-changing energy.

Pluto will officially move into Aquarius in late January of 2024.  Put simply, Pluto is the planet of transformation, and Aquarius is the sign of innovation and progress.  As Pluto moves through Aquarius for a 3 month “teaser” journey in 2023, and a 20 year or so journey beginning in 2024, life as we know it will be a thing of the past.

So we’re coming into quite a time as we enter the energy of 2023..  I think old Bob Dylan said it right 60 years ago…  “The times they are a’ changin’“…
