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The month ahead: “February 2025”

Written by: Steve         Jump to reading schedule

I’m doing this February 2025 write-up on the 17th of January, and I’ll likely be starting the February reads on or around the 19th of 20th, which admittedly is early for me to do the/my monthlies.  But there’s a reason for it.  February and January’s energies begin to blend together by around the time we move into Aquarius season on Sunday the 19th, which is just ahead of the Aquarius New Moon on the 29th which marks the start of the Chinese year of the wood snake.

January as a whole saw some major energy shifts.  The nodes changing signs for the first time in 18 months was probably being the most notable of them but January was energetically bumpy, as there were a lot of energies setting up for the months to come.  While January was about shifts and adjustments, February is/will be about the ride.  It’s the month where the rubber hits the proverbial road on several new cycles, and newly released old cycles (which I’ll explain, but we can blame it on the beavers).  It’s the month where we come out of the bumpy part, and ride the paved part.

If the nodes shifting signs was the highlight/powerful event of January (and it pretty much was), then Jupiter ending its long retrograde phase & turning direct in Gemini for its lead-up to its entry into the current soulmate cycle’s host energy “Cancer” later this year IS definitely February’s big energy news.  But not just because Jupiter is the largest planet, and arguably the most important planet in our solar system.  Without Jupiter life on Earth could never and would never evolve.  Jupiter’s gravity sucks up and grabs onto about 90%+ of the space debris, rocks, comets, junk etc. that would fall to Earth and wipe us out ever couple thousand years or so.

But Jupiter does more than just that.  It also holds onto energy.  Seriously it’s like a giant battery, or maybe more accurately a giant capacitor.  But never more-so in my memory than during its current retrograde phase.

Jupiter turning direct heralds the start of things.  You see this current Jupiter retrograde has backed-up a lot of energy.  So much so that in my offline notes I’ve dubbed it “The beaver dam”.  Beaver dams can stop the flow of mighty rivers.  Hell they could have skipped all that concrete and dangerous building of Hoover Dam and simply brought in a shit-load of beavers.

At any rate, Jupiter turning direct in any sign on any given year is usually noticeable on some level.  This one however, will jar a whole lotta energy loose for sure.  Jupiter retrogrades normally beaver dam up a fair amount of energy.  That’s why most astrologers and even energy readers will tell you that when Jupiter goes retrograde you’re pretty much stuck with what you’ve got.  It creates a bubble of energy of sorts, and we live within that bubble until it goes direct again.  But THIS retrograde blocked up, dammed up about 5 times more energy than a typical retrograde would by my best estimation.

So what kind of energy was being blocked or dammed up you may ask??  Generally speaking the blockage has been more mental than emotional for most.  We’re dealing with an air energy with Jupiter’s current placement after all.  So on the plus-side you won’t start crying uncontrollably in February as Jupiter goes direct and the dam of withheld energy breaks.  What will more than likely happen is you’ll begin thinking clearly and concisely again.  This will likely play out as plans and ideas panning out better than they had been during Jupiter’s retrograde phase.  A plan or good idea is only viable if you can express it properly.  Jupiter’s retro phase made “expression” very difficult.  As well, if you’ve been mentally blocked or foggy-headed as many have during Jupiter’s retrograde phase, Jupiter’s direct motion “might”/”should” help clear your head and allow for some powerful free-thinking once again.

So why did I put “might” and “should” in quotes above??  Well,,, in an effort to be responsible and maybe teach you something about how the energies around us work, I should note that as with any energetic effect there are always a few people who are either unimpacted or impacted very little by a given energy.  Meaning there will be some people who didn’t experience much if any at all of Jupiter’s retrograde or even the bumpy ride most of have had through December and January etc.  So as always it’s a bit of a scale of 1 to 10 thing.  For some it’s been a hell ride, a 10.  For others an easy ride, a 2 or 3.

How an energy impacts us on an individual basis is governed by a combination of our specific energetic makeup, and the surrounding environmental energies that we exist in.  Since everything is energy I can offer the simple example of a cold or flu going around an office.  Most of the people in the office will likely catch it.  This is why we send people home when they’re sick.  We don’t want to get sick ourselves!!  But some people never get sick.  They can be at work in a small office surrounded by people who are coughing and sneezing etc. and yet they never catch the cold or flu that’s going around.  Everyone else caught it, but they didn’t.  So why is that??  Well, maybe they have a shit-load of nose hair, which is one of the body’s first defenses against viruses & airborne allergens fyi.  But most likely, overall, they have a powerful or healthy immune system. And since the immune system is energy as everything is energy, the immune system is a good example of how our individual “energetic makeup” i.e. the specific recipe of energies that make YOU YOU reacts with the various energies that come at us from Jupiter, the Moon, the Sun, the ether, etc.  Your energetic makeup is your immune system in relation to any incoming energies.  Depending on your specific energetic makeup, (i.e. the recipe of energies that make you unique) your energy may either let these energies in, or, block them either fully or partially.  Just like some people’s immune system lets colds and flus in, and other people’s doesn’t.

Having said all of that, in general most people haven’t been thinking or processing information as clearly as they normally do during this particular Jupiter retrograde, which technically began back in October.  But the effects actually began to seep in during late September around the equinox timeframe as Jupiter began to slow and later stand-still.

As for the soulmate cycle, Jupiter turning direct on February 4th will free-up whatever has been stuck.  If they haven’t called, they might, if they haven’t felt like bangin’, they surely will.  And if you haven’t encountered any of these new soulmates that keep popping up in the readings,,, well Jupiter’s direct motion will surely help that.  Also new contacts, opportunities, or even partnerships may show up in your life out of nowhere.  The moment Jupiter goes direct in Gemini post-retrograde is historically a time where things change and the wheel of fortune turns you way on a dime, out of nowhere.  So it’s a big deal energy.

This particular Jupiter retrograde has been rough, but also very necessary.  Much like its 12 year ago counterpart (this time of year in 2013) it allowed for and actually helped necessary changes to be made and happen within your/our environmental energy, in order to make room for “the new”, i.e. new stuff, new things, new people, new surroundings, new career path, new soul’s path, etc. etc. you get the point, it’ll vary for each of you.

So is that it Steve???  Is February 2025 just about Jupiter going direct in Gemini???  No of course not!!  But I think many astrologers will take it more lightly than they should so I’m really emphasizing its importance.  And frankly I couldn’t do it justice if I wrote 1000 pages on it, which I likely could as Jupiter is one of the planets I track in my notebooks.  I do that because it’s a planet that plays a huge rule in the soulmate cycles, usually marking their starting point.

But yes there’s more in February on the Astrological side.  Mars goes direct in Cancer where it will stay until mid-April, which opens the floodgates of emotion, and with it a real hatred for small-talk.  Especially with Jupiter’s direct motion in Gemini making our brains function well/better.  However, the Mars energy should help the DM side of the cycle speak more clearly about their feelings.  Which “can” be a good thing.  But that could just as easily go horribly wrong too.  As emotions can get away from us, especially those of us who don’t have much experience in feeling and expressing them.

Also February 2025 opens with Venus entering Aries on the same day (Feb 4th) that Jupiter goes direct in Gemini.  Thus adding some getup and go to our month.  Well….. sort of…. Venus in Aries by itself early in the month might make us overly passionate about everything, and as a friendly warning from yours truly, maybe a wee bit selfish in the process.  So make sure if you have a partner you remember to “take care” of them too.  For the most part you might be really into anything you’re passionate about a little more than normal, or,,, too much, if you’re not careful, i.e. painting, music, binge watching, bon bons, cooking… etc… Don’t lose yourself in your passions, check yourself in this energy is all I’m saying.

To add fuel to the fire, later in the month when Mars goes direct in Cancer on the 23rd, a bit of impatience will be added to the Venus in Aries selfish passions.  So be careful not to get too frustrated or rush things etc.  The passions will calm down a bit across the board by March 1st or so when Venus goes retrograde in Aries, so no worries.

Beyond all of the above there are also many small “energy” cycles that are ending and beginning.  For an energy reader type like me, February 2025 will look and feel much like a vast open Kansas field filled with tiny tornadoes everywhere the eye can see.  That may not sound good, but actually it is.  It’s all an energetically harmless byproduct of Jupiter going direct and releasing all of the various energies that its kept at bay during its retrograde “beaver damming” phase.

My advice….. enjoy the month…  It’s one of the months to “enjoy the ride”..  It’s not all going to be fabulous, I’m sure some shitty things will happen.  There’s always good and bad in the mix together.  But strangely (and in an effort to drift into Unicorns and Rainbows) I think a good portion of February will be quite positive, in outcome at the very least.  This is because with Jupiter being the dominant energy on the astrological side, and it being in direct motion, all signs indicate an overall “positive” energy flow for not just February but the next few months at least.

So like I said, “enjoy the ride”.   Either way, I’ll take you through the month via the readings as always.  Which on the special reading side of things are listed below.   — Cheers


Special Reads Completed End of January 2025
(As readings are completed, links are added)

__Special Reads Coming in February 2025___

  • Venus in Aries reading
  • Jupiter Direct in Gemini reading
  • Neptune in Conjunction with The North Node of Destiny
  • Full Moon in LEO
  • Mercury in Pisces reading
  • The Second-half of February reading
  • Mars Direct in Cancer reading
  • The March 2025 Overview reading
  • The New Moon in Pisces reading

The above are “special” planned readings.  They’re generally listed in the order I plan to pull them.  Of course along with the readings listed above the usual random timeless reads and individual sign energy update mayhem will ensue as the energy dictates.  There will also be as usual “Singles reads”, “Cure for Cancer” reads, “3 card” reads, TF Journey, & Schrodinger’s Cat reads peppered in along the way.


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