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The month ahead: “October 2024”

Written by: Steve         Jump to reading schedule

October (aka Rocktober) 2024 is a month to “enjoy the ride“.  That sentence was how I had planned to springboard this monthly write-up!!.  Then I thought, …I can’t be that lame…  This month needs more than me riffing off the concept of a ride/destination theme.  The truth is if I had to title this month “Just enjoy the ride” would probably be the title. But that’s a cop-out, because when it comes to October 2024 much of it’s magic and a little of it’s tragic but the sum of its parts should prove to be quite memorable and at times eye-opening.  The fact is telling you to “enjoy the ride” is not only just skimming the surface of Rocktober’s energy, it’s also about as annoying as someone telling you to “calm down” when you’re pissed off.  This month is so much more than just a ride with some scenery to look at.

So as I sit here on September 20th and put the September write-up into the “monthly write-up archive” and replace it with this Rocktober write-up please keep in mind that the energy of September still applies.  As we move into Rocktober September is a bit like The Alamo, in that we mustn’t forget it.  This is because this year’s chaotic & rare Solstice energy is in fact RIGHT NOW as I write and post this article slamming head-long and HARD into one of the most perfectly balanced Equinox energies that we’ve had in quite some time.  And that can’t help but release some serious ripples, and with ripples comes “the ripple effect”.

October 2024 is DOMINATED by three main energetic influences, with a few others happening being support players to these 3 main energies.  The first if the 3 main energies is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra which opens the month on the 2nd.  The second main influence is the 10/10 portal energy, which this year is another “party” type energy like we had in 2021, but more of a grown-up party than the teenaged beer and table dancing we had going on in 2021.  The third and final main influence energy and the one that has the most lasting effect is Jupiter going retrograde in Gemini.  Between about October 9 and February 4th 2025 we lose a little of the “last minute saves” and “growth” that Jupiter in Gemini always provides.  Jupiter retrograde in Gemini is a bit of a “the jury’s-out” energy in that all of the evidence is in and now we must objectively sift through it all and draw our conclusions.  On the positive side Jupiter retro will be a welcomed stabilizing effect on the energies around us, and in another way we may all be just a little bit glad when February 4th 2025 rolls along and our guardian angel energy is back from its vacation.

So that’s Jupiter retrograde out of the way, at least until I pull a reading on it and likely find out much more. Meaning, I’m aware there are some hidden benefits to Jupiter’s retrograde being placed where it it.  The fickle old gal universe is employing its usual impeccable timing super-power.  Timing however that usually doesn’t reveal itself fully until after the fact.

The new moon solar eclipse in Libra that opens the month on October 2nd actually is quite beneficial in balancing out and stabilizing the still rippling and reverberating energy of the Equinox/Solstice energy explosion from just a little over a week earlier.  This is helpful because this new moon is an energy that can make finding constructive ways forward in all areas of your life very possible.  It’s a level-headed energy that doesn’t waste a lot of time arguing with itself.  That said, over the next 4 to 6 months when it’s at its most powerful (I know they say 6 months for eclipses but that’s not always the case, and the splash of this eclipse energy is well hindered by the ripple effect of this year’s solstice/equinox collision, so I’m saying 4 to 6 months, but frankly it could be only 3 months if I’m honest…) you could find yourself getting and feeling pretty okay with your life and where its heading.  BUT that all depends on the decisions you make. This eclipse is tied to the previous Full Moon Lunar Eclipse back in late September, and with that it’s also tied to the long cycle it heralds in that lasts until the end of February 2027.  So having said that, high vibrational decisions will get you much further than low vibrational more self-serving ones.  While that’s usually the case, it’s especially the case with the long-range ripple effects that are in-play around these important eclipses.  Be willing to admit when you’re wrong, or when you’ve misjudged a person or situation, and don’t be ashamed or afraid to change direction.

It all sounds simple, but Libra is a very logical energy, and the only people who pick-up on or even act-on logic are high vibrational people.  The rest seem to live their lives against all logic. Just so you know, that kind of backward shit will work against you under the influence of this solar eclipse’s energy.  Always follow the string of logic during this eclipse energy period.  i.e. Follow the Yellow Brick Road and stay the fuck on it.  Even if you have to take a piss.  Just piss on the Yellow Brick Road… It’s fucking Yellow anyway!!

Which takes me to “The 10/10 Portal” for 2024.   The best way for me to describe this year’s 10/10 is with an analogy.  I say that because most of the new-age crowd out there in internet-land is going to go off on the light and love and light angle of it all, and frankly the rainbows, unicorns and fairies just aren’t me. And we always must be ourselves. Fake and pretense are never rewarded by the universe. And talking about magical unicorns and love and light would be me being fake, I’ve never wished anyone love and light in my life, it’s just not how I talk,,, It’s not who I am, And it doesn’t diminish my ability to read people, rooms, and energy like a book.  My point is when it comes to energy I’m about “real life” and how the energies relate to us in the “real world”.  I think people understand it better if you can take the unicorns out of it.  I also think because this blog has readers who do not watch my tarot reads on YouTube because they think they’re silly (yet they found me randomly on Google and appreciate my writing very much, or so they tell me) it’s a more useful way to describe this energy and teach the “general public” about these energies in a way that might be more palatable to them.  Sure you might have to think a little more about an analogy, but what’s wrong with that?  Maybe I’m giving an analogy right now. Did you think about that??  Thinking makes you smarter, simple answers do not.  A good teacher never just gives the student the answer, they make them think and find it for themselves.  It means more to the student that way, and it’s retained better as well.  This is not just how a good teacher operates, it’s also how the fickle old gal universe operates.  This retention and deeper understanding of the information helps the lesson turn into wisdom, and not just sit in isolation as a useless factoid that gets whipped out at parties or on someone’s Tik Tac or Tok or whatever it’s called when they want to “seem” smart or wise.

NOTE:  If you’re wondering why I didn’t just type the analogy and typed all that crap in the paragraph above, then you missed part of the lesson of what the 10/10 portal energy this year is about.  I’m typing this paragraph because I bet about 80% of you thought I was just being long-winded, or just filling space.  NO.. I never do that!!  It goes against how my brain works..  The above paragraph is the “high-brow” explanation of this year’s 10/10 portal energy.  What the 10/10 portal is about is in there but you gotta dig for it, and really think about what I’m saying and how it might apply…  Below is the “lower-brow” analogy or version of what this energy is about.  It’ll still require some thought, but maybe a bit less, but it also says less fyi…

So like I said the best way for me to describe this energy is with a good-ol’ proper non-cryptic analogy.  So here it goes…

“I remember the moment I realized that my friends and I had grown-up.  The moment that “youth” for all of us had come to a crashing end.  The moment I knew that things would never be the same.  It was a 4th of July party that a bunch of us were going to in Hollywood.  I remember we were really excited because the house was near the Hollywood Bowl and they were having fireworks, and we could see them from the house.  There were a lot of people that we deemed “cool” going to the party and as a topper there was some sort of place up the hill out behind the house where you could totally make-out or bang and shit. (first-off outdoor bangin’ is really a young persons game for sure)… One of my roommates at the time “Joe” and I decided we would ride our bikes there.  We lived right down the road on Franklin at the time so we figured it would be easier and safer to just bike there. Cops where everywhere on the 4th and traffic was hell as well.

So we took off on our bikes and headed up to the party house.  BUT,,, I think we underestimated how steep the hill to get there was.  For you locals we were riding up Highland from Franklin towards Cahuenga.  You know it’s that hilly twisty turny road that runs alongside the 101 heading back into The Valley.  Anyway it was a steep fucking hill and way more of an effort than we realized it was going to be. And yes this is part 1 of realizing I was not as young as I used to be but really we didn’t even consider that at this point.  So we got to the party and we were so dead to the world.  We looked like jigsaw puzzles with a couple of pieces gone. (Jim Croce quote)…  The good news we kept telling ourselves all the way there and even after we got there was that the ride home would be far easier, which in retrospect sounds like something two old men would say on the back 9 of a difficult golf course.

So we get to the party, sweaty, hair a mess, and Joe with his pants ripped from them getting caught in the bike chain about half-way up the hill.  Needless to say, we looked fuck-all.  But we felt even worse… But hey, we didn’t care, we were going to a wild party in the Hollywood hills so all was well.  “PARTY!!!!”

I know you think this story will go on and on, and I’m going to tell you about how everyone was married and worried about getting home to their kids and the party was all lame and shit.  AND NOPE!!  I’m not going to tell you any of that..  Because I can’t.  I mean yeah it sounds like after the fact that’s what happened but I’m going to be perfectly honest with you..  It may have been the greatest party ever, or the worst.  I wouldn’t know!!  Joe and I were tired from our bike ride up the hill and we sat down in these fluffy chairs in a downstairs room at the party house with our beers well in hand.  and best I can tell we fell asleep…. We both slept through the entire party it seems.  In fact we slept until early the next morning.  NO ONE WOKE US UP!!  No one!!!  In fact they must have partied quietly so as to NOT wake us!!

When I asked Jane, (the host of the party) how the party went.  She said, and I quote, “Oh everyone left by like 11 or so, and you and Joe seemed comfy so I covered you and shut the light.”  I know… sweet right?!  Yeah, she is and was.  In fact Janie is likely reading this post.  But that’s not the point.  The point is in the then realized “old days” had we fallen asleep at that party or ANY fucking party in those comfy chairs in that downstairs room we would have been vandalized with drinks, shaving cream, and likely some sort of Nair-type hair remover, and probably pantsed and tortured with an Epilady or some shit..  And while most of that we be considered assault by any police officer, we would have loved it and laughed about it for years

Though not the point.  It turns out it was a lame party.  Most people left by 10:30 or 11 pm to and I quote, “beat the traffic”,,, which let’s be fucking honest is the first sign that you’re fucking old!! When you leave something, anything early to “beat the traffic”..  LOL  In the old days everyone would have just crashed there, and there would have been some girl in the kitchen in the morning crying, regretting the previous night’s transgressions… In fact I’m old now, I used the word “transgression”..  I mean seriously… wtf…

In the end I’m not going to analyze either the high-brow or the low-brow explanation for this year’s 10/10 portal energy.  I’d rather you take it for whatever it means to you.  All I’m going to say about it and ROCKTOBER 2024 is watch the readings, I’ll walk you through all of this energy.

ROCKTOBER 2024 as a whole is an important month because October is set to give you a crystal clear view of how certain aspects of your life and the energies around you have changed.  But the only way you benefit from that knowledge, and I mean the ONLY WAY, is if you “enjoy the ride”. And the only way to do that is to see the sense of humor in it ALL.  You MUST try to see the humorous side of both the good and the bad.  Because it is at the intersection of those two energies where the why of it all and the answer to where you’re ultimately going lives.

Look at it this way.  In my low-brow 10/10 portal analogy I went to a party in the Hollywood hills with visions in my head of showing up looking like I was smokin’ balls, with the promise sweaty outdoor bangin’ with the hot girl or girls of my choice as fireworks went off all around……… Instead I ended up looking I got kicked in the balls, and I  missed the fireworks completely because I fell asleep next to my sweaty roommate.  Which nobody even got a picture of!!! Which is further proof that we had all become LAF (lame as fuck).

But ya know… in retrospect even even at the time I remember finding it all funny. And because of that point of view what most would see as a negative moment, or at least one worth forgetting is actually a fond memory for me.  Because it was a snap-shot in time, a moment where I saw a transition happen.  Which is rare, because we usually miss them.  October provides an opportunity for you to see one of these transition moments.  Don’t miss it.

For those curious… my ex-roommate Joe is now SVP at an accounting firm in Texas with 2 ex-wives and 3 kids who gets to work 2 hours early every day to beat the traffic…

— Cheers

Special reads completed in late September 2024
(As readings are completed, links are added)

__Special Reads for “ROCKTOBER” 2024___

The above are “special” planned readings.  They’re generally listed in the order I plan to pull them.  Of course along with the readings listed above the usual random timeless reads and individual sign energy update mayhem will ensue as the energy dictates.  There will also be as usual “Singles reads”, “Cure for Cancer” reads, “3 card” reads, TF Journey, & Schrodinger’s Cat reads peppered in along the way.


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